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Sunday, August 29, 2010

We wish everyone could have joined us...

This year, the PNW District Optimist Convention was fun, educational, and inspirational. Held in Richland, Washington, the Pasco-Tri-Cities Optimist Club wowed us with their hospitality and with some of the great programs that they foster throughout the year.  Thank you so much to Zone 10 Lt. Governor Charlie Kissler and his wonderful band of Optimist Club members for a fantastic weekend.  Here are some highlights and notes of things that happened:

We were honored to have two representatives from Optimist International. Mark Weinsoff, Vice President, West Region, served as the official President's Representative. Not to miss out on visiting the Pacific Northwest District, President-designate Danny Rodgers arranged to visit as a  certified international trainer.

Mark and Danny moved the group with their enthusiasm, knowledge and participation. Both participated in general training activities and made motivational speeches, but most important they each led different sessions to help make our Optimist Clubs and our personal leadership styles stronger. Mark's Sustainable Membership presentation will be a model for the coming year. Danny's presentation on Seth Godin's Linchpin will encourage us to question ourselves what are we doing all we can to empower our future leaders?

In addition to Mark and Danny, our knowledge leaders included the Leadership Development team Gay Enyeart and Jean Jensen on the basics of being a club president and secretary/treasurer and Governor-designate Ed Murphy on how to be an effective lt. governor. 

Current leaders heard from Governor Linda Jackson about how they can contribute to the District blog, become their own publicists and increase the visibility of their club through the "Find a Club" section of the website. All members heard from Scott Keller, President, Portland NE about completing that community survey. 

In official business, we were fortunate to have three candidates running for governor-elect. Bill French went above and beyond in campaigning by visiting 75% of the clubs in our district and blanketing the convention with novelty items. He was rewarded by being elected as governor-elect on the first ballot.  Congratulations to Bill French of the Hillsboro, OR Optimist Club. 

We also passed a new policy to assist in passing records forward from one administration to the next. The policy requires the district secretary/treasurer to use Quick Books and allows for the district budget to purchase the updated license and software upgrade each year. It was also recommended that the 2010-2011 budget include purchasing a laptop and LCD projector for the District.

Governor-designate Ed Murphy introduced the strategic work plan for 2010-2011 that will emphasize new club building in the Seattle area, donations to the Optimist International Foundations, and a new Sub-Forty group to involve young Optimist Club members in shaping the future of the District.

Mark Weinsoff congratulated the PNW District for being first in the West Region as of this meeting. Mark and Growth Director Rocky Jackson challenged everyone to stay in that position by adding enough members to reach Honor Club recognition. Honor Club is within every club's reach and it's not about awards, it's about doing all you can do to make sure your club leaves a legacy and continues long into the future.

Merriwether Lewis and Albert Einstein showed up for the Old Timer's Breakfast with the theme of "Pioneers and Explorers" representing both 18th and 19th century explorations in the area. More than $200 was raised for the Optimist International Foundation to relieve Scott Keller and Albert Einstein of their neckties.

Golden Apple award winning teachers Denise Rosenblum and Jackie Ives explained all about the "We the People" program that engages high school students in civics, history, and political science topics in the Tri-Cities area schools and stumped us with some of the questions asked of the students. This is a great model for an Optimist Club Respect for Law program.

Charlie Kissler, Steve Enyeart and Scott Keller served as emcees for our different meal functions and Dyan Graybeal and Sue Thompson gave us some fun resolutions to live up to in the coming year.

Steve Andersen was recognized for his service with the Roy Proctor Lifetime Achievement Award.

Roger Thordarson and the Auburn Optimist Club were presented a certificate recognizing their 25th Anniversary by President-designate Danny.

As anticipated, Abraham Lincoln appeared for the evening installation of officers as Ed "Abe" Murphy and his team were sworn into office for 2010-2011.

Governor Linda warmly thanked everyone for their contributions throughout the year, club presidents, district chairpersons, and lt. governors, noting that the PNW District  is currently in 13th place of all Optimist Districts and only 20 members away from being even in membership from October 1, 2009.

Inspired by the words of Mark, Danny and all district leaders, we pledged to go back to our clubs and communities and continue to expand the reach of our Optimist Clubs because they are....

Our Favorite Thing!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Take the risk: Don't be afraid to follow new ideas

Danny Rodgers, Optimist International President 2010-2011 is changing things up. Starting with Parallel District Conferences that bring regions together during the first quarter of his administration, Optimist Club members are being invited to participate in Optimism as never before.

Here in the Pacific Northwest, you have already been invited to share your Optimism as never before by helping us make a dynamic web log of all things that our Optimist Clubs are doing in our communities. Tell us your story and we will publish it.

However, the choice is yours; it has always been yours. 

Have you ever wanted to follow an idea or action that was somewhat different from the norm? Were you afraid to follow for fear of abandonment or ridicule from your group or community? Let me encourage you to take the risk and become the first follower, be the transformational leader. Watch why change relies on the followers and empower yourself to make a difference.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

PNW Optimists: My favorite thing on YouTube

Mr. Danny Rodgers, the recently crowned King of YouTube and our Optimist International President, 2010-2011 has shared his trip to the Pacific Northwest District in the following video.  Yes, Optimist Clubs are some of our favorite things, and now Danny, so are you. Thanks for your visit.  Thanks for your kind words. Thanks for your enthusiasm. And most of all, thank you for your service.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Convention craziness

Nearly 100 Optimist Club members participated in training and fellowship at the Pacific Northwest District Optimist Convention over the weekend. We'll let you know all that happened later this week (such as Bill French from the Hillsboro Optimist Club was elected Governor-elect 2010-2011), but for now we wanted to share a slideshow with you courtesy of Alan Zehntbauer, Lt. Governor, Zone 4.

The following pictures are from the BBQ and Old Timers Breakfast. Note some of the crazy attendees including Merriwether Lewis, Marshall Dillon, and other wild west figures. Since the theme was explorers and pioneers, even Albert Einstein showed up to begin nuclear research at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. It looks like some members rolled out of bed and came that way including rockstar Danny Rodgers and his groupies.  I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we enjoyed the weekend.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Thank you for a great PNW District Optimist Convention

The Optimist Difference…
It’s all in our name.

As you go forth to your clubs and your communities, please share your positive, upbeat attitudes with others. Inspire your fellow club members, your friends and your families, and the children with whom you work to reach for their full potential.

Enjoy being a part of your Optimist Club.

Share that feeling with others because here in the PNW District, Optimist Clubs are our favorite thing!

Friday, August 20, 2010

The power of 8

The symbol for Optimist International is an octagon; eight sides of good thoughts and deeds. When I saw that Richard St. John had identified eight words that lead to success, I knew that I had to share them with you. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Planning a year of service for your Optimist Club

This is my favorite time of year. I know it's hot and summer is almost over as is the current administrative year for Optimist Clubs, but what makes this time of year more special than others is the opportunity for everyone in your Optimist Club to work together.

As you prepare for a big finish to 2009-2010 and ready for the transition of officers on October 1, there should be two teams working together to make one big, happy service club. Current officers are interested in adding members, recognizing supporters, celebrating success and most important of all ensuring continuity of the great work that has been accomplished. Incoming officers are busy making plans and getting ready to lead. Incoming and outgoing officers need to be communicating so that the transition is smooth, processes are improved and projects are carried forward that need to be carried forward.

All clubs have a different way of doing this. Some allow the Club president to make all committee appointments. Others request volunteers and some even have lifetime appointments as committee chairs. All work, to some extent, but I have to tell you that I prefer a more purposeful planning process.

I think that the Roseburg Optimist Club has a great approach. The Board of Directors looks at all of the programs for the year and identifies what they want to tackle in the coming year. Then they take their suggestions to a regular Club meeting and ask the members what events interest them.  With support of the Board and members secure, then and only then, they circulate a list to have people sign up to be chairpersons.

This process provides them a written annual calendar of events and a Work Plan to guide their efforts.  Click here to take a look at the Roseburg Optimist Club 2010/2011 Coming Events and let us know if you like what you see.  Thanks to Rheanna Mosier for sharing with us.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Troutdale Citizen of the Year

Jim Jensen, Troutdale Citizen of the Year
Jim Jensen was recently honored at the Troutdale, Oregon Summerfest as the Citizen of the Year for their community.  Of course we know Jim as a Past Governor who, along with his better half Jean, devotes a lot of time and energy to the Gresham Optimist Club and the PNW District. 

I thought it would be interesting to hear more about Jim and this special honor from an outside source and Jim obliged by sending me an article that appeared in a trade association magazine recognizing his accomplishments. 

Please enjoy the following from the Business Credit Journal

As important as volunteer work is to a community’s well-being, it’s possible to devote so much to the public good that one’s own family takes a back seat.  Jim Jensen, Troutdale "Citizen of the Year," says in his long history of community-minded endeavors, he’s tried to avoid that syndrome.  “My wife and son might disagree, but I did my best to try and balance between work, family, and community service,” he says.

Jensen, a Troutdale resident since 1979, was recognized as "Citizen of the Year" at the 38th annual Troutdale SummerFest. In 2002, Jim retired from Weyerhaeuser Corporation as credit manager in the Hardwood Lumber Division. Both before, but especially after leaving full-time work behind, Jensen delved into a range of volunteer organizations and projects such as: Troutdale Budget Committee, Optimist Club of Gresham, East County Economic Development Committee, Portland Jaycees, Gresham Community Emergency Response Team, and U.S. Forest Service volunteer car patrol.

An Army veteran, Jensen is particularly fond of serving with the Patriot Guard Riders, a group of individuals that escorts remains of soldiers killed in action in Iraq and Afghanistan. Jim also treasures the time he volunteers at the Multnomah Falls information desk.

With the help of his Honda Silver Wing scooter, Jensen does what he can to keep his inner youngster alive and kicking.

Jim also was part of the Distressed Businesses Services team at NACM Oregon. He continues his Professional Membership through NACM Oregon and the CFDD Portland Chapter. He is actively involved with both organizations as an instructor and committee volunteer.

Jean and Jim Jensen
When not working or volunteering, Jim and his wife, Jean, spend time with their son, Jamie, 36, daughter-in-law Maura, and grandchildren Logan, 6, and Amaya, 4. Recently, the couple, celebrated their 41st wedding anniversary with a trip to the Oregon coast.

What a great tribute and honor, Jim. Congratulations. 

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Are you registered for the District Convention?

A special invitation for you from Optimist International President-Designate Danny Rodgers!

Click here to register now!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Earn the Presidential Award for Club Achievement

Has your Optimist Club given $365 unrestricted to the Optimist International Foundations this year?

Has your Optimist Club held an Adult Internet Safety Awareness Program?

Has your Optimist Club given $2,000 or more to the CCC John Hopkins Initiative or the Canadian CCC Fund?

If you can say yes to two or more of these questions, then your club has earned the prestigious Presidential Award for 2009-2010.  All you need to do is submit the verifying documents to the Optimist International Programs Department by mail, by fax at 314-371-6000 or via e-mail at programs@optimist.org.
The good news is every club still has time to attain this honor. Talk to your Boards of Directors and go to it! 

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Gresham Optimists announce new JOOI Club

The paperwork has been submitted to Optimist International and the officers have been elected for a brand new JOOI Club in the Pacific Northwest District - Optimist International.  Sponsored by the Gresham Optimist Club, the JOOI Club is made up of students who participate in the PAL program.

Shown here are the new JOOI members, some of the Gresham Optimist Club sponsors and Boyd Yaden (3rd from left) District JOOI Chair.

Shown here are Gresham President Don Weston and newly elected JOOI officers.

Welcome to the JOOI Club and congratulations!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Your Optimist Club can recognize a special member with a President's Citation

Each year every Club can choose to recognize a deserving club member by nominating them for an Optimist International  President's Citation.  There is always a member in your club that put's in a little extra to make sure you club fund raisers work and community service projects are successful.

A President's Citation is unique to each year, carrying the President's logo and signature and serves as a permanent memento of the appreciation that both Optimist International  President Mark and a club bestows on a deserving member.

To nominate someone, the Club President needs to fax or mail the nomination form the applicable US or Canadian Optimist International Office. 

For US Clubs - mail or fax to:

Optimist International
4494 Lindell Blvd. 
St. Louis, MO 63108 
Fax: (314) 371-6006  

For Canadian Clubs - mail or fax to:

Canadian Service Centre
5205 Metropolitan Blvd. East, Suite 200
Montreal, QC H1R 1Z7
FAX to:  (514) 721-1104

The deadline date is August 31, 2010.  We suggest that you set August 15th as your deadline and call the applicable Office to make sure they received your completed nomination form.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Amazing Race, Optimist Club Style

Please click on the link to check out the Amazing Race being organized by the Hillsboro Optimist Club and the Big Brothers and Sisters organization. Zone 4 is hopping with activities!

Photos from Bike Beaverton

The Beaverton Optimist Club has a great fondness for bicycles and President Bruce Buffington keeps them engaged with cycling activities in their community.  The latest event was held on Sunday - Bike Beaverton.  According to their official photographer Alan Zehntbauer, Zone 4 Lt. Governor,  Bike Beaverton included your choice of a family friendly ride or a fitness ride with ice cream for everyone at the end.  In the pictures, I noticed an obstacle course for bicycle safety too.

Thanks so much Alan for sharing your pictures with us!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Happiness is membership in an Optimist Club

Wordle: Optimist Club Passion
Are you passionate about your Optimist Club? Is the work that you do as an Optimist Club member and the friendships that you share with other club members a focal point of your life? Then it is possible that you have already realized a very important concept of the nonprofit work and volunteer life:
Optimist Club members are happy because we do what we love and love what we do. 
Sometimes our good intentions get sideswiped. Has this ever happened to you? Perhaps a new member comes along and they have a new idea to contribute or a different way to accomplish a task that you have been doing for years. I've seen some clubs become defensive, ignore the new idea, and generally make everyone uncomfortable. When this happens, remember and promote this thought:
If you support others, they will support you. 
Everyone joins a club for a reason. They might say that they joined to support a friend or a family member or  because they need to join a service club because of work. Some might say they signed up because they are familiar with the work that your club does and want to be involved. The reason behind the reason though is that they want to be happy and they have chosen your Optimist Club to help them find that happiness:
Finding meaning and purpose in life is the key to happiness. 
When we come together as Optimist Clubs we soon discover that there are a great number of people doing really good things in our communities. The unified mission that your Optimist Club shares with approximately 3,000 other Optimist Clubs around the world is energizing. Together we can do so much more to share a positive way of life, to help our kids and communities and to share our happiness and our passion.
Passion is energizing.
Please share your passion for Optimist Clubs every day by talking about what you do, telling positive upbeat stories and asking others to share some happiness with you by joining your Optimist Club.
Your passion and enthusiasm are needed and appreciated.

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