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Monday, November 26, 2018

A quick review of the PNW Optimist District Fall Board Meeting

The First Quarter District Meeting for the Pacific Northwest District - Optimist International was held November 16-18, 2018. Renamed the Fall Board Meeting, there were fewer attendees than the meeting has seen in the past, but we believe that was due to the scheduling change that moved the meeting too close to the Thanksgiving (US) holiday.

Six first-timers were there, as was Optimist International Certified International Trainer Tracy Huxley. Together they helped bridge any perceived generation gap as Tracy reminded those assembled, "We and Them IS Us."

pnw optimist clubs first timers

During a special convention session, authorized by International President Rebecca Butler Mona, several important decisions were made for the Optimist Clubs in the Pacific Northwest District.

First was an increase in dues. Beginning January 1, 2019, regular members in Optimist Clubs in the PNW District will pay $20 annually to the District coffers. College members will pay $5 annually. Any members added with an Optimist International incentive such as Homecoming, $30 Under 30, or the Recruit a Teacher Incentive are exempt from District dues.

PNW Optimist Clubs Ben DeRemerThe second decision was the adoption of an entirely new set of PNW District Policies. The policies are different than we have seen before, and according to Governor Ben DeRemer, bring the District in closer alignment with the policies and bylaws of Optimist International.

Governor Ben appeared confident and prepared with the changes he has proposed and will now enact for the PNW District. One of the changes that might cause confusion is the creation of 6 separate Assistant Governor positions. Each Assistant Governor will chair a standing committee and oversee a number of subcommittees that we would typically believe to stand alone. Please click the link below to review the standing committees on page 2 of the November newsletter. 

We hope that you will save the date for the Spring Board Meeting. It will be held April 12-14, 2019 at the Holiday Inn Suites, Bellingham, WA. This meeting will feature the District Finals for the Optimist International Oratorical Contest and Communications Contest for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CCDHH). A Certified International Trainer has been requested to lead the Catch-A-Rising Star program, among other things, and of course, the District Board Meeting will be held as well.

Regional meetings will be held in March to facilitate the second level of competition in the Scholarship Contests on the following dates and locations:

  • Alaska - March 2, 2019
  • Utah - March 2, 2019
  • Oregon - March 9, 2019
  • Idaho - March 16, 2019
  • Washington - March 23, 2019
  • British Columbia (mainland) - March 30, 2019
  • Vancouver Island (Victoria) - April 6, 2019
  • Yukon Territory - April 6, 2019
More information will be published as it becomes available. 

Friday, November 23, 2018

Optimist Club rakes-up Boise

NeighborWorks is a nonprofit organization in Boise created to provide housing solutions for underserved populations. It accomplishes its mission by creating strategic partnerships which contribute to building stronger communities. Neighbors help neighbors through NeighborWorks Boise and they have been doing so since 1985. What does this have to do with an Optimist Club?

Since 1985, the Boise (Noon) Optimist Club has been working with the organization to Rake-up Boise and Paint the Town. The two signature programs have united service clubs, banks, churches, businesses, and others in projects that make Boise a more livable community for 33 years. The Optimist Club has been involved since its inception.

With it being autumn, you can probably guess in which project the Boise Optimist Club recently participated. It involved rakes, leaves, and a good group of smiling Optimist Club volunteers. Here are a few scenes from Rake-up Boise with the Nooners at Rake-up Boise.

Photos courtesy of Lisa Peterson.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Share optimism every day, especially on Thanksgiving Day

As Optimist Club members, we share our hope and positive thoughts with all around us.

Reciting the Optimist Creed is only one of the feel-good rituals that bind Optimist Clubs together under the umbrella of Optimist International. Programs that make a positive impact on youth, community and ourselves are other reasons that we are united.

Most of all, we come together to share optimism, and that is what we are thankful for today.

We appreciate all of those who serve as Optimist Club member volunteers in an effort to make our world a better place to live. We appreciate the hope that you share with others. We appreciate the optimism that you practice. We appreciate you. Thank you, and have a happy Thanksgiving Day.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

An incentive to recruit more teachers

pnw optimist clubs membership offer
Does $30 sound like a good price point to encourage someone to try out an Optimist Club?

Optimist International thinks so and that is why it has announced that the Recruit A Teacher for $30 remains in effect for the administrative year October 1, 2018 - September 30, 2019.

Just like the $30 for under 30 program, the Recruit a Teacher incentive allows a new member to join for a flat rate. There are no processing fees and in the PNW District, there are no additional district dues. Teachers, administrators, counselors, coaches, and others who work in the school system, may join for only $30 for the first year of membership.

Adding teachers or school personnel to an Optimist Club's roster is a boost to a local club's programming options. It gives a direct contact for the Scholarship Programs and informs the club of appropriate times, locations, and other teachers with whom to connect to expand the reach of the Optimist Club. Additionally, it might just provide the needed insight to start a Junior Optimist Club and help your club serve even more children.

Please click on the image to get the details for the Recruit a Teacher program then head on over to your closest school and start recruiting. Now. Thank you.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

An incentive to recruit young professionals

pnw optimist clubs 30
Every Optimist Club should plan for growth. Adding new members to our clubs is how we accomplish our mission of bringing out the best in youth, our communities, and ourselves. New members bring ideas, energy, and even more new members. All together, they generate the funding that is needed to operate our programs and share optimism with the world.

The Optimist International Membership Committee has created a membership recruitment calendar that it recommends be used to target individuals each month. This month, for November, the suggestion is to recruit young professionals.

Furthermore, it recommends using the popular "30 and under for $30" program.

What is it?

The $30 under 30 program lets Optimist Clubs add members who are 30 years of age or younger to their club roster for only $30 for the first year. There are no administration fees and no district dues to be paid for the new members who are added under this program. Please click to enlarge the photo to learn more.

The incentive allows young adult members to experience the positive force of an Optimist Club without a financial impact. Our hope is they renew at the end of the first year, and for many years to follow.

Please add this resource to your Optimist Club's membership recruitment plan and help Optimist International make a difference in your community for another 100 years.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

It's time to come home

We typically share a membership recruitment and retention tip on Facebook on the second Saturday of the month. This tip has such a great offer from Optimist International that we couldn't wait. We had to share today!

Membership retention and recruitment tip #63: Welcome past members with open arms. 

homecoming optimist club memberTimes change and so do the commitments and interests of those who once belonged to your Optimist Club. It’s important to always keep the door open for your past members to return. 

Unless they asked to be removed, keep them on a special event mailing list and touch base with them occasionally to see how they are doing. Ask past members to help with projects that were interesting to them and to attend social activities with the group. 

In time, some may ask to rejoin. Don’t be pushy, but don’t be afraid to ask them to return. You never know when the time is right for them to say, “Yes!” 

Right now, through September 30, 2019, it’s even easier with the special Homecoming offer from Optimist International. Past members can rejoin ANY Optimist Club for only $30.00. Now that's a membership recruitment and retention tip worth sharing with all. 

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