We love stories about your Optimist Club. Please tell us one and we'll add it to the website.
Click here, email, or post to Facebook. Thank you!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Picture this for only a dime-a-day

Approximately half of the attendees at the first quarter meeting made a special donation to the Optimist International Foundation Dime-a-Day Plus program.

PNW District Optimist members contribute to the
Dime-a-Day Plus program in Hood River
According to District Foundation Rep (DFR) Ed Murphy, including this group, fifty-two individuals in the PNW District have already fulfilled their commitment. The Dime-a-Day Plus program is in honor of the 40th Anniversary of the Optimist International Foundation. Donors are asked to give just a little bit more - $40.00 instead of $36.50.

Dime-a-Day and Dime-a-Day Plus contributions are unrestricted donations to the Optimist International Foundations. They fund education programs and materials for Optimist Clubs like the Internet Safety Program.

Monday, October 24, 2011

"I am an Optimist" redux

The Eagle Optimist Club recently held a reception to introduce themselves to the community and to help make others aware of all that they hope to do as an Optimist Club. As part of the presentation, they showed the "I am an Optimist" video. Afterwards, some members said, "I didn't know that."

And that was my hint to share the video here. It's a reminder of the different programs sponsored by Optimist International. Most of all, it is a reminder that we are part of something bigger than ourselves and our local initiatives. What we do at home is important, necessary, and part of the mission of Optimist International; however, knowing that there are other clubs working towards similar goals and resources available to help us achieve more is the best feeling of all.

When was the last time you shared "I am an Optimist" with your Optimist Club? Perhaps some new members haven't seen it. Perhaps it will inspire those who have to do just a little bit more. Enjoy.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

PIP Danny Rodgers declares the PNWD Distinguished

He continues to do things his own way. Who? Past International President (PIP) Danny Rodgers, that's who!

Usually, Optimist International does not announce district award recipients until the Board of Directors Meeting in December. However, Danny decided that was too long to wait. No reason to look too long into the past he says, time to move forward. Hear the award recipients here along with a message only this PIP can deliver.

Congratulations to Ed Murphy, Governor 2010-2011 and the Pacific Northwest District for being named a Distinguished District.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Vegas, baby!

District Membership Chair Dick Brodie is encouraging individuals to make a commitment to bring in new members early in this administrative year. To that end, he announced to following incentive for membership recruitment.

Every time you bring a new member into an existing Optimist Club before March 3, 2012, your name will be entered into a drawing for a trip to Las Vegas or a $500 cash prize. See the poster for details. Please forward any questions to Dick Brodie

Friday, October 14, 2011

Idaho Students Jump for JOOI

At Vision Charter School, 508 students try to break a world record

The new Junior Optimist Club at Vision Charter School in Middleton/Caldwell, Idaho participated in the worldwide program "Let's Jump" to help break the world record for the greatest number of people doing jumping jacks at one time.

With their leadership, 508 students were motivated to "Jump for JOOI" on Wednesday morning. In addition to helping to break the world record, the students thought it was a great way to raise awareness for their new club.

Sponsored by the Middleton Area Optimist Club, the new JOOI Club will officially charter on October 24.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

T-shirts for optimism

T-shirt design competition
The Lake Washington Optimist Club recently held a T-shirt design competition at K-TUB.

What's a K-TUB?

Well, I'm glad you asked! K-TUB is the acronym for the Kirkland Teen Union Building.  The building and programs were recently reorganized under the Bellevue Family, WA YMCA management and the new Optimist Club has been there to provide support.

Some of the goals identified by the YMCA sound like a great fit for an Optimist Club.  I think you'll agree.
"YMCA/KTUB goals  include continuing youth driven programs, increasing opportunities for youth, strengthening current activities/programs, implementing new activities/programs and offering a continuum of casual (drop-in or one-time events) activities."
The winning t-shirt was designed by a young lady named Gayle, a K-TUB participant.

What a great way to become known in their community. Great job Lake Washington Optimists!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Start the new Optimist Club year in Hood River, Oregon

It's time for the PNW District to come together for the First Quarter Meeting of the 2011-2012 administrative year!

How fast we hand over the leadership duties from one Optimist leader to the next. Only a few days ago, we were rushed to add new members and go out a high note. The beauty of that strategy is that we also come in a high note. That means our Optimist Club members are already charged up about serving even more kids and they are ready to learn all about the new programs next week in Hood River.

Governor Bill French looks forward to welcoming you and sharing the new recognition program for Honor Clubs. Now is the time to plan for retention, recruitment and service. You'll get fresh ideas at the conference to take home and make a difference. You'll also learn all about the scholarship programs and district-wide efforts to help your club succeed.

Joining us on her first official visit to the PNW District will be the Region 7 Vice President for 2011-2012 Esthermarie Hillman. Esthermarie hails from the Pueblo Optimist Club in Tuscon, Arizona where she has served since 1996. She has been involved in all aspects of Optimist Club leadership including Distinguished and Outstanding Governor, Certified New Club Builder, Certified International Trainer, and the Optimist International Governance Committee.

She is also involved in the Communications Contest for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and serves as a deaf community coach at the Arizona State School for the Deaf.

Esthermarie is committed to the Optimist International Foundation and has fulfilled an Assisting Children through Exceptional Service (ACE) pledge to raise $50,000 for the Foundation.

Come and meet Esthermarie and your new governor next weekend (October 14-15) in Hood River. It's the right way to start the new year.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Learn the history of Optimist International

Of Dreams and Deeds Online 
Optimist International has developed a new website devoted to the birth and history of the organization. Based on the book Of Dreams and Deeds, the full text is now available online, from the first "non-pessimists" club in the early 1700s to the original 11 Optimist Clubs that came together in 1919 when the Optimist International organization was formed.

Please click on the picture to read the full inspirational story.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The governor goes golfing for kids

Governor Bill spendsDay 1 of the 2011-2012
administrative year at a fundraiser
for the Hillsboro Optimist Club.
How did Governor Bill French and first lady Evelyn spend the first day of the new Optimist Club year?

Golfing. To raise money for children's projects. With his home club, the Hillsboro Optimist Club.

Isn't that what being an Optimist Club member is all about? Yes, even district leaders find time to be involved with club projects and make a difference at home.

Before leaving for the golf course, Governor Bill sent a message to the club presidents, lt. governors and committee chairs. He said,
"Congratulations! Wow!! We are all official now. I know that many of you have been working in your new positions already because we have been exchanging emails, making big decisions and moving forward. We will have a great year! 
I am looking forward to working with each one of you and getting better acquainted as we bring out the best in kids. Let's give the kids a hand. I will see you all in Hood River.
And with that friends, we are off and running and ready to give 100% and then some to the kids and clubs in the PNW District.

Please register now for the 1st Quarter Meeting in Hood River.

Find the contact information for all PNW District officers and chairpersons here. 

Thanks to Alan Zehntbauer for the picture.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

It's a new day; it's a new year

Happy New Year, PNW Optimists!

Our new International President Jack Creswell was up early today sending messages to welcome us to the year of "100% and then some..."

Please watch Jack's welcome video to find out what it means to give 100% and then some as you get your new year started.

It's a new day and a new year. Let's go!

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