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Friday, April 24, 2015

Optimist Club election time

pnw optimist club electionOptimist International has announced its slate of candidates for the 2015 election cycle. Nominated for International President 2016-2017 are Jim Kondrasuk and Nick Prillaman. Optimist Clubs will cast their votes one of these gentlemen during the month of June.

This announcement should serve as notice that it is time for Optimist Clubs to begin their election process. While reporting officers is no longer a requirement for Honor Club, it is still a good rule of thumb to hold elections and record the new officers by May 20 of each year. 

Why May 20? By reporting early, the District and Optimist International can begin to communicate with the president-elect to invite him or her to the conventions, participate in training, and to begin to inspire growth and collaboration from year to year. Changing officers should be like passing a baton in a relay race: seamless and forward-moving. 

Do this today - form a nominations committee. Follow up by holding the election of officers and then report the outcome by logging into www.Optimistleaders.org on or before May 20, 2015. Thank you. 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Optimist International Convention early bird registration date drawing near

Here is a message from Evelyn French, PNW District Optimist International Convention Ambassador:

Join Optimists from around the world at the International Convention in New Orleans July 9-11, 2015.

Register online or download the form at www.optimist.org/convention.  Save money by registering by May 1, the "early-bird" deadline.

There is something for everyone at the convention - training for all offices and committees, workshops on a wide variety of subjects, inspirational and motivational speakers, great entertainment and delicious food and drink!!
Let's have a good representation from the PNWD.  There will be a District dinner (place and time to be announced at 3rd quarter in Kennewick).

Questions?  Contact Evelyn French, PNWD Convention Ambassador, at frenchw503@aol.com.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Chilliwack Optimist Club is full of Reel Optimism

The Optimist International Foundation and Optimist International are encouraging Optimist Clubs to share their sense of purpose with the Reel Optimism Video Contest. This contest asks clubs to submit a video based on a common theme in order to win a cash prize ranging from $250 to $1000.

In 2015, the adult and youth clubs could choose to record a 30 second challenge video or a 3 minute showcase video on the topic "Optimists bring out the best..."

The Optimist Club of Chilliwack responded to the 30 second challenge with the following video.

The Optimist Club of Chilliwack are "REEL" optimists.
Posted by PNW Optimist District on Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The entry deadline was April 15, 2015. Finalists will be announced on May 1, 2015 and voting will be opened to the public through May 15, 2015. Winners will be notified by June 1, 2015 and shown during the Optimist International Convention where they will receive their club grant awards.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Why do we have an Optimist International Foundation?

Steve Skodak, CFRE
Steve Skodak, Executive Director, Optimist International Foundation will join the PNW District in
Kennewick, WA for the 3rd Quarter District Meeting. According to Governor Dick Disney, this meeting is an opportune time for all to appreciate what the Foundations do for us - Help Optimists Help Children.

The Optimist International Foundations award $150,000 in new scholarships annually. However, the amount that is disbursed every year can often exceed that amount as students enroll in college or university and request their scholarship be directed to their education. Since 2008, $1,616,479 has gone to student education at places such as Harvard, Stanford and Yale as well as many smaller private universities and state colleges, large and small.

Every year, District Foundation Representatives are appointed to help the Foundations (Optimist International Foundation in the US and Children's Optimist Foundation in Canada) meet its funding needs. The scholarship support is only part of the picture. The Foundations also provide funding to support other Optimist International programs, especially membership and marketing initiatives.

Newer to the list of services are initiatives to provide grants directly to Optimist Clubs for program purposes. There are club grant awards through both foundations and the Reel Optimism Contest that displays the enthusiasm and great work of our clubs.

You can learn more about how  your individual and club donation can help Optimist International do even more. Plan to meet Steve May 15-16, 2015 in Kennewick. Register now.

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