During the regional meetings, Governor Fred Wallace asked each attendee to consider the question, "Why did I join an Optimist Club?" At the meeting I attended, a few people shared their reasons, but we quickly went on to other topics and other ideas. And that is the challenge with our fast-paced lives, we become so involved with the pressure of the next thing we forget to savor the moments that brought us to where we are today.
I hope that as you left the meeting, you took time to consider your story of joining. In Chilliwack, BC, Glenda Standeven did and she sent the following to me to share with you:
Someone saw me playing with my kids on a playground over two decades ago (my youngest is now 23 years old) and gave me a card with the Optimist Creed on it. He said, "My wife and I have been watching you play with your kids. We think you're an Optimist and we'd love to have you attend one of our meetings."
He was right! I AM and Optimist! I went to a meeting and three weeks later (YES WEEKS!) I was not only the new president but I brought in ten new members and became a Distinguished President. There were only three active members in the club when I joined. It just goes to show you, if you don't ask, you don't get! Ask someone - anyone - who LOOKS like they are an optimist to join your club.
By the way, that day I was invited to attend a meeting I was on crutches. I lost my leg to cancer. I may only have one leg but that didn't stop me from playing with my kids in the restaurant playground and it doesn't stop me from being an Optimist!
~ Glenda Standeven, Optimist Club of Chilliwack, PNWD
So let's hear it, Optimist Club members. What's your story? Why did you join an Optimist Club and more important, why do you keep coming back?
Write a comment below, send us an email or complete this form and share your story of optimism today. Thank you.