Saturday, August 6, 2016, the Tacoma, Washington area was brimming with optimism.

In University Place, the West Tacoma Optimist Club was holding its 21st Annual Pancake Breakfast/Silent Auction/Book Sale.
This activity is as popular with the members as it is with the public as they meet with the members that they see sometimes only this one time a year.
The Sea Scouts of the Verite were there to lend a helping hand and pancakes were enjoyed by all.
As of this writing, we're not sure how well the auction and book sale went, but from the looks of the bids and the happy faces on the customers, I think it was another successful event for the club.
The top photo shows co-presidents Jim Ferris and Dick Driskell and club photographer Tom Kryger. The bottom photo shows some crew members of the Verite.
Meanwhile, at Narrows Glen, the new Share-A-Smile Optimist Club was holding its first event - a Dog Parade!
About forty pets and their two-legged friends showed off their tail-wagging skills and more.

Mud Bay donated frisbees and scarves for the dogs and the club honored all pets with a prize.
Treats were enjoyed by dogs and people alike as they answered trivia, marched their pets and shared their smiles with one another. Yes, the dogs were smiling, too.
In the top photo, mom and grandma smile with their fur-baby, all dressed for a rainy day. Luckily, the showers held off! Below are a number of the pets posing with their people as they ready for the parade.
Both Optimist Clubs worked on membership during their events with poster that explained what Optimist Clubs do - They bring out the best in youth, community and you.
Click to see more pictures here:
West Tacoma Optimist Club Pancake Breakfast
Share-A-Smile Optimist Club Dog Parade
What projects has your Optimist Club performed this summer?
Send us a story and a picture so that we may publish it here.