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Monday, January 26, 2015

On the Idaho trail with Governor Dick Disney

PNW District Optimist Clubs
Governor Dick Disney, President
Tom Crawford, McCall Optimist Club
There are a lot of different tasks that a district governor attends to each year on behalf of their district.

Some are administrative, crossing t's and dotting i's to be sure that every club and every member is accounted for with the international office. Some are planning, making certain that district meetings are informative and enjoyable for all. Some are challenging, empowering district leaders and club officers to make their Optimist Clubs the best service club in the community.

But most of all, the duties of a district governor are fun and heartwarming. Those powerful emotions come from meeting new people across the wide span of the PNW District and learning about the important projects that each Optimist Club performs in their communities.
PNW District Optimist Clubs
Governor-elect Mike Gray, Governor
Dick Disney, Caldwell Optimist Club

In order to partake of those fun, heartwarming duties, Governor Dick Disney left his home-base in the West Tacoma, WA Optimist Club on Monday, January 19, 2015 to visit a number of Optimist Clubs in Idaho, Zone 2. His travelogue included:

Tuesday - McCall Optimist Club, President Tom Crawford presiding
Wednesday morning - Meridian Optimist Club, President Trenna Bowman Garcia presiding
Wednesday afternoon - Caldwell Optimist Club, President Doe Schamp presiding
Thursday - Twin Falls Optimist Club, Past President Danae Klimes presiding
PNW District Optimist Clubs
Governor Dick Disney, President Lisa
Peterson, Boise Noon Optimist Club
Monday - Middleton Area Optimist Club, President Peter Cabrera presiding

As of this post, he hopes to visit the La Grande, Oregon Optimist Club on his return to Washington.

During the trip, Governor Dick  met hundreds of Optimist Club members and learned of many important club and community activities. While every club has its special flavor, he was especially interested in the club programs
offered by those that follow a traditional meeting model. When clubs invite speakers into their meetings, they learn of community needs and celebrations and can map out a way that the Optimist Club can help or participate. Club speakers also learn of the Optimist Club as they listen to committee reports and calendar updates and the projects of an active club encourages them to join.

PNW District Optimist Clubs
Governor Dick Disney, Past President
Danae Klimes, Twin Falls
Optimist Club
For instance, at the Twin Falls Optimist Club meeting, the speaker was there to describe the new Wellness Tree Clinic that had recently opened to benefit those without insurance, especially those that fall in the Idaho Medicaid coverage gap. While Arne Walker waited to make his presentation, he saw one new member be inducted into the club and met four others who had already turned in their application and would be inducted soon. You bet he left with an application in hand, and I bet it's completed and returned next week!

When we share fellowship, we grow. When we share optimism, we grow. When we share our positive thoughts and deeds, we grow.

PNW District Optimist Clubs
Because no trip to Twin Falls is
complete without seeing Shoshone
Falls, Past Governor Linda Vaught and
Governor Dick Disney stopped by on
the way out of town. 
Governor Dick will be making plans to visit Oregon, Washington and British Columbia soon. If you would like him to make a trip to your Optimist Club, please send him a message and he'll get you added to his calendar today.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Tax filing season has begun

Every year, we share this reminder with Optimist Clubs: 

All US-based Optimist Clubs must file their IRS Form 990 by February 15. 

If your club normally has income of less than $50,000, the filing can be done online at http://epostcard.form990.org/.

Your president, secretary/treasurer, or someone designated by the president, should complete this filing. In order to do so, you will need your club EIN (employer identification number). It can be found on your club's main page at www.optimistleaders.org.

The filing process will most likely take 10 minutes or less. In addition to your club's EIN, please have available:

1. Employer identification number (EIN), also known as a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). 
2. Tax year 
3. Legal name and mailing address 
4. Any other names the organization uses 
5. Name and address of a principal officer 
6. Web site address if the organization has one 
7. Confirmation that the organization’s annual gross receipts are $50,000 or less 
8. If applicable, a statement that the organization has terminated or is terminating (going out of business)

Should you need any assistance, please call 208-861-2310. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Lebanon Optimist Club named Distinguished Club

Ron Huxley, International President 2013-2014 and Optimist International have released the Special Awards Hotline for recognition of service during the immediate past administrative year. Optimist Clubs earning recognition in the Pacific Northwest District follow.

Distinguished Optimist Club
  • 32082 Lebanon, OR
Honor Optimist Club
  • 32000 Albany, OR
  • 32028 Caldwell, ID
  • 32086 Meridian, ID
  • 32105 Portland-Northeast, OR
  • 32115 Oregon City, OR
  • 32214 Nampa, ID
Honor Club recognition is earned by those clubs that finish three service projects and report them on the president's pride report, complete all financial obligations to Optimist International and the District, and end the year with net +1 in membership growth. 

Distinguished Club status is given to those clubs that complete all requirements for Honor Club and finish the year with a net +15 in membership growth or sponsor a new Optimist Club. 

Congratulations to all! 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Tell your Optimist Club story at a regional meeting

pnw optimist club friend of youthThe 2nd Quarter Regional Meetings for the PNW District will begin on February 7, 2015 in Burnaby, British Columbia. The meetings move next to Hillsboro, Oregon, February 21; Chehalis, Washington, February 28; and end in Meridian, Idaho, March 14.

The regional meeting format brings the district closer to  local communities and offer the opportunity for more Optimist Club members to participate. In each region, the agenda will include awards from 2013-2014, project sharing from Optimist Clubs and inspiration and guidance to help every Optimist Club complete the path to Honor Club.

Bring your friends and fellow Optimist Club members; register now to attend the meeting closest to your home today.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Start a new Optimist Club program

pnw district optimist club
Does your Optimist Club have a great idea for a new program and does it need a little seed money to get it going?

If yes, the Optimist Club grant program from the Optimist International Foundation is for you.

The program awards $500 grants to Optimist Clubs that are served by the Optimist International Foundation. The awards are based on need, creativity and the ability for the program to increase awareness and membership in the local Optimist Club. It is important that the project be new to the club and community.

The complete rules and application can be accessed online at the Optimist International Foundation Club Grant page.

Last year, the Middleton Area Optimist Club was awarded an Optimist International Foundation Grant. The club matched the money with advertising sales from its popular Movies in the Park program to host an Optimist Family Fair  in Middleton, Idaho.

The Optimist Family Fair invited businesses to set-up booths and host free child and family-friendly games at the last Free Movie in the Park in 2014, "Frozen." Following the "Frozen" theme, there was "Frozen" karaoke and a "Frozen" photo booth, along with a cakewalk, bubble gum blowing contest, among other things. As a bonus and draw, the Middleton Area Optimist Club purchased and served free pizza to the crowd and sponsored a bounce house for the kiddos to enjoy.

According to Linda Vaught Jackson, the author of the successful grant, the purpose of the program was increase awareness of the Middleton Area Optimist Club. "The Optimist Family Fair strategically coincided with the club's third anniversary and gave us a great platform to say thank you for letting us serve the community," explained Linda.

"We consistently said that we can do more of these events if you join us; join the Middleton Area Optimist Club, " she concluded.

The Club Grant is a relatively new program for the Optimist International Foundation. It helps Optimists help more children on a local level by helping with those critical start-up costs. By instilling a funding match criteria, it also helps provide a  method by which the program can be funded in the future.

US clubs, find out more at this link and apply.

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