We love stories about your Optimist Club. Please tell us one and we'll add it to the website.
Click here, email, or post to Facebook. Thank you!

Friday, September 30, 2011

20 minutes left in the year - 10 members to go


How are the Children?

Thank you, thank you, thank you all for a great year. 

I wish I could tell you that the Pacific Northwest District will be recognized as a Distinguished District, but the fact is that I just don't know.  According to the numbers I have received so far it looks like we still need 10 more members.

I know there are many of you out there looking to add friends and new members.  Thank you.

It has been a fantastic year.  Thank you again for the opportunity to serve.  I look forward to working with Bill next year and continuing to bring out the best in kids in the Pacific Northwest.

In Optimism,

Ed Murphy
Pacific Northwest District

Thursday, September 29, 2011

President Danny shares his appreciation

Installation dinners are well underway and Optimist Club leaders everywhere are planning to hand over the bell and gavel to the 2011-2012 club and district officers on October 1. In just one day we will wake up to a new Optimist International administrative year.

In anticipation, President Danny Rodgers logged on to his optimistarenaman account at YouTube today to say thank you to Optimist Club members and Friends of Optimists everywhere.


Today is a good day to reflect on your club's accomplishments and do just a little bit more if that's what is required to make your club Honor. It's also a great day to say thank you to those who joined you on your journey in Optimism this year.  Please share our appreciation when you do.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Welcome to the 50th Optimist Club in the PNW District


How are the Children?

I am proud to announce that we have a new Optimist Club in the Pacific Northwest District.  The North Okanagan Optimist club formed last night in Vernon British Columbia with 23 new Optimists to become the 50th club in our district.  Congratulations to Hal Griffin and Peter Smith for all of your work and attaining the Builder of Excellence award.  Well deserved. 

I would also like to thank Al Kersey and Sandy Larivee for all of your efforts in making this club a reality.  This will be the first of many new potential clubs in the Okanagan Valley. 

In Optimism,
Ed Murphy
Pacific Northwest District

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ask someone to be an Optimist today!

Exciting news came in this morning via Facebook when friends and families of the Tri Cities Optimist Club learned that their club's annual NOW banquet welcomed 10 new members to their club last evening. Thanks to Lareena Roberson and Charlie Kissler for sharing that great news.

What is your Optimist Club doing to ensure ongoing service to your community?

There are nine days left for your Optimist Club to earn the coveted Honor Club designation for service in 2010-2011.  Your help is need to add at least 20% new members over the beginning roster as of October 1, 2010. 

How will you make it happen? With applications in hand, visit some of your local merchants or area gatherings held by your chambers of commerce or other networking groups. Your club will grow only when you ask people to join the movement to bring out the best in kids. 

Download the applications now and just do it! 

Photo courtesy of Lareena Roberson

Monday, September 19, 2011

Start your week with the Optimist Creed

One the best ways to keep a positive attitude is to say the Optimist Creed. This year during the Optimist International Convention, Optimist International made a recording of Optimist Club members just like you reciting the creed. We hope that you enjoy it and then pass the Optimist Creed on to others who would enjoy its uplifting message.

The Member Services department at Optimist International hopes that you might also make a recording of the Optimist Creed of your own.

Why not take your Flip video camera to your Optimist Club meeting and make a recording to show the world how your Optimist Club thinks only of the best each week, and then upload it to YouTube or Facebook. Don't forget to send the link here so that we can help you share your voice with the world.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What's a T-Shot and why does it matter?

Optimist Clubs, like most groups, speak in acronyms. Among the most popular are:
  • COER - Club Officer Election Report
  • ACPC - Annual Club Planning Conference
  • OIF - Optimist International Foundation
  • CCC -  [Cure] Childhood Cancer Campaign
  • CCDHH - Communications Contest for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
One that is not so well known unless you like statistics is the T-Shot. I'm not sure what the "T" stands for, but I can tell you that the T-Shot is a look at where your Optimist Club stands in membership from the beginning of the administrative year (October 1) through today. (Maybe the "T" stands for today?)

Before online technology was ubiquitous, District Governors would receive a weekly mailing that let them know what clubs had added and deleted members along with the easy to read snapshot report called the T-Shot. (Maybe "Shot"stands for snapshot?)  The engaged governor would then call the clubs who had added or deleted a significant number of members to give praise or express concern.

With the internet and Optimist Leaders Online, the T-Shot, and other membership reports are available to anyone who cares to look at them; and they are available at all times, updated throughout the day. If a club adds a member at 5:00 p.m., it is reflected immediately on the T-Shot and on other reports by 10:00 p.m.

As an example, from reading the T-Shot, I know that the Twin Falls Optimist Club added two members today, one is a traditional member and one is a Friend of Optimist.

T-Shot for Zone 9 as of September 14, 2011 at 4:13 p.m.

Why do I know this? Because of their significant growth this year, I have been watching the Twin Falls Optimist Club, excited about the enthusiasm their club has created in their community and cheering for them to do more.

I believe the urgency to call and offer praise or support to our club leaders is reduced by how easy and ordinary it is for an Optimist Club to add and delete members - except for at this time of year when we are in the final stretch. 

Unlike Optimist Clubs where our service goes on continuously without significant interruption, Optimist District and International leaders are replaced on an annual cycle. As of today, they have 16 days left to show they have made a difference in the only quantifiable measure offered by Optimist International: membership growth.

At the Optimist Club level, we know when we have made a difference because we feel it in the pride that we have for our projects. Hardly any gathering goes by without the underlying theme, "We could do even more if we had more members."

District and International leaders know that as well, and with a little over two weeks left, they will pull out every tool to inspire your Optimist Club provide more service through membership growth. This little report that you may or may not have known about, the T-Shot is the barometer for the district and your Optimist Club's health.

The T-Shot is a quick, easy way to look at how our Optimist Clubs have grown throughout the year, but we must work together to be sure it is a report that gives positive, uplifting news. Help us quantify the impact of our Optimist Clubs by asking someone to join your Optimist Club today.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Larry Krangle recognized for 60 years of service

Larry Krangle has been a member of the Optimist Club of Vancouver, BC for 60 years. He was recently honored at the PNW District Convention for his many years of service.

District Bulletin editor Gerry Morrison created a special addition to the September bulletin to share his story with others. Please click on the picture to read more.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Today - in Twin Falls, Idaho and Beyond



1.    this present day
2.    the time to add new members and Friends of Optimists to your Optimist Club

Just in time for the 1st Annual Wings & Things Ultimate Tailgate Challenge, the Twin Falls Optimist Club issued a new challenge to their club members. They said, "Let's add 20 new Friends of Optimists to our club so President Danny will come and visit us!" 

With the excitement for their new annual fundraiser, the Twin Falls Optimist Club has already added 38 new Optimist Club members to their roster this year. Adding just a few more might be a challenge, but according to membership recruiting mavens Barry Knoblich and Danae Climes, it is doable with a little help from their friends. So while they are cooking wings and chili in the park today, I imagine the Twin Falls Optimist Club members will be talking about how great it is to share their activities with others as a member or supporter of an Optimist Club. They will be asking others to get involved and join their club.

What is your Optimist Club doing today to add Friends of Optimists and traditional members to your list of volunteers? We know that the key is to just ask, but you have to visible in your community in order to find people to ask. Where will you find your next member?  Where did you find your latest member? 

Please tell us; use the comment section to share your membership story today. Thank you!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Tomorrow - in Twin Falls, Idaho


 [tuh-mawr-oh, -mor-oh] 
1.      the day following today
2.      the day that the Twin Falls Optimist Club hosts the 1st Annual Wings & Things Ultimate Tailgate Challenge

Join the Twin Falls Optimist Club for the debut of a new community event for the Twin Falls community tomorrow, September 10 at Twin Falls City Park. Featuring chicken wings, BBQ, chili, Dutch oven cooking and a children's category, this fun activity will have samples for the guests, prizes for the chefs, and fun for the whole family. 

To get the word out, the Twin Falls Optimist Club place billboards around town and then asked club members to be the first to find them. Robin Stanhope beat the crowd and proudly displays one of her finds here. 

Has your Optimist Club used billboard advertising? How do you get the word out about your activities. Share your ideas with us or comment below. Thanks. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Roseburg Optimist Club to honor law enforcement

The Roseburg Optimist Club is planning their 36th Annual Respect for Law Banquet. It will be held Friday, September 16, 6:00 p.m. at the Douglas County Fairgrounds with a keynote presentation by Oregon State Police Superintendent Chris Brown.
Click to listen.
Hear president-elect Peter Sudduth describe the event on the KQEN Morning Show.

You can join them! Tickets are $27 per person. Call to reserve your space today 541.430.3569.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hood River is calling all PNW Optimists

Q: What could be better than visiting the Columbia Gorge in autumn? 

A: Visiting beautiful Hood River, Oregon with your Optimist Club friends!

On October 14-15, Optimist Clubs from Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia will gather in Hood River for the First Quarter District Conference of the 2011-2012 administrative year.

Bill French, Governor 2011-2012 invites you to join the festivities. As the first meeting of the new Optimist International year, newly installed club presidents will be inducted into the District Board of Directors and begin providing their counsel to help Optimist Clubs serve more kids and more communities in the Pacific Northwest. Among other things, agenda items will include:

  • Review and accept the district policies and budget
  • Learn about membership recruitment ideas and district growth strategies that impact your club
  • Discover what your club needs to know to hold outstanding Optimist Club scholarship programs - Essay, Oratorical and Communications Contest for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Contests
  • Find out how your club can host a junior golf tournament
  • Receive continuing education from the leadership development team
  • Greet your new district officers and regional vice president for the coming year
  • Network with other Optimist Club members who share your interests

Registration is now open for the First Quarter Conference and District Meeting. Register before September 26 for $68.00 US or CA. After September 26 the price raises to $78.00 US or CA. Registration includes lunch and dinner on Saturday. Click here to register now.

The meeting will be held at the Best Western Hood River Inn. There are a limited number of rooms available for $89.00. Standard rooms are $99.00 and rooms with a river view are $119.00. Hurry and make your reservations by calling 1.800.828.7873 or 541.386.2200.

Get your new Optimist Club year off to a positive start by attending the First Quarter District conference. It's the best way to plan for the months ahead.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Young rock stars

Marc Angel of Angelic Percussion shared a link on the PNW District Facebook page of Monica and the Dauz Brothers performing "Iron Man" and "Rolling in the Deep" at Ed's Beach Party at the District Convention.

Monica and the Dauz Brothers, photo by Marc Angel
Eight-year-old drummer Angelo is his student.

Thanks for sharing Marc!

You can see the videos and watch for more from these up-and-coming rock stars by liking
Angelic Percussion .

And don't forget to like the PNW District page while you are there.

Click on the picture to watch the videos on the PNW District YouTube Channel.

Friday, September 2, 2011

President Danny says, "Let's finish strong!"

It's September, Optimists!

That means it is time to finish all the requirements for Honor Club so your president's name goes on the club banner for all eternity. We know you don't do it for the banner patch, but the patch is a simple way for Optimist  International to say thank you for a job well done. It's also social proof to your club and community that your Optimist Club rocks.

It's never been easier to be an Honor Club than it is this year:

  • Add 20% new members over your October 1, 2010 roster.
  • Pay your financial obligations to Optimist International and your District.

Yes, that's it; but we also want you to complete your President's Pride report and if you haven't done so already, file your officer-elect report with Optimist International. What can be simpler than that?

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