We love stories about your Optimist Club. Please tell us one and we'll add it to the website.
Click here, email, or post to Facebook. Thank you!


Twice per week, on behalf of PNW Optimist Clubs and Experience Optimism, Linda Vaught shares a #JoinAnOptimistClub meme on Facebook. This is part of her ongoing mission to share optimism and friendship through the service of an Optimist Club.

You are invited to enjoy and share the memes. When republishing, we have one request. Please do not remove the attribution line:

Share optimism. www.pnwoptimistclubs.com,
Share optimism. www.joinanoptimistclub.com,
Share optimism. www.experienceoptimism.org,
Share optimism. www.joinanoptimistclub.org,
or similar.

Requests for club or district personalization may be emailed here. There is no charge for the service and we try to be quick on the turnaround.

Some of the most favorite memes may be found below and you can enjoy the complete #JoinAnOptimistClub album on Facebook. Enjoy!

And please, ask someone to #JoinAnOptimistClub today. Look to the top of the right-hand column on this page for a link to the PNW Optimist Club directory and the Optimist International Club directory by country. Optimist Clubs may be found around the world. If there is not one in your community, we can help you get one started. Send us a message here.

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