book instead.
Because of their foresight and dedication, one of the great things to emerge from the Optimist International 101st International Convention was Dave's labor of love: Bringing out the Best - The First Century of Optimist International.

Dave began his research and throughout the journey shared tidbits of history on Facebook. We learned that Branch Rickey, credited as an influencer to integrate major league baseball, was an Optimist. We learned that the Optimist dinghy was indeed designed by an Optimist Club member, Clark Mills, and given its name because of the program of the Clearwater Optimist Club. We learned that the octagon logo was used to define the organization because of the original eight Optimist Clubs that founded the organization on June 19, 1919.
There is so much more to learn and celebrate about Optimist International and the book brings out the best in our organization by sharing its colorful history.
Those attending the 101st convention in Louisville, Kentucky had the honor of receiving an autographed copy as Dave signed away hundreds of books until the stock on hand depleted.
It is now available online at Amazon, for a limited time for only $20: Bringing Out the Best.
Now for the rest of the story
Dave Bruns, author, Optimist Club member, and Past International President, among other distinguished titles, has promised 100% of the revenue from the sale of the book will go to the Optimist International Oratorical World Championships.The longest continuously running program of Optimist International, the oratorical contest began in 1928. In the 2015-2016 administrative year, it was enhanced to be a global program with an online component and larger scholarship awards, making the contest more relevant to today's teens. Help it grow bigger and better by making Bringing Out the Best part of your personal library.
Many thanks to Dave Bruns for Bringing Out the Best and his generous dedication.
In the photo: Dave Bruns signs Bringing Out the Best for Linda Vaught Disney.