We love stories about your Optimist Club. Please tell us one and we'll add it to the website.
Click here, email, or post to Facebook. Thank you!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Gary Oyler, you're going to Disneyland

Membership chairperson Dick Brodie sends greetings to one and all with the following message: 
We just got back from the Hood River Board meeting and a good time was had by everyone! 
Our winner for the “Trip for Two to Disneyland or $500 cash” for bringing in New Members is Gary Oyler from Elmore County, Idaho.
Way to go Gary! Please contact Past Governor Bill French at 503-936-8311
We now have a new contest for this year “ For a Trip for Two to Las Vegas in March” starting now and ending March 1st, 2013. More details to follow,  but get started early and sponsor that New Member you have always wanted to join your Club and maybe “You will be the lucky winner like Gary and be able to get into the warm sunshine in Vegas this March!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Having fun Hood River.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Reasons to smile

Sometimes a picture says it all. So smile, okay?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Show your stuff in Hood River

Dyan Graybeal, Chair for the PNW District Childhood Cancer Campaign, had a brainstorm for FUNdraising at the first quarter meeting.

In case you didn't know, Governor Larry has planned a talent show for Saturday evening. Dyan thought it might be fun to show off all of our talents, not just those that involve getting up in front of an audience. Her idea:
If everyone who has a talent/hobby could bring something to auction it would just be great fun!  I have some wineglasses that I paint, so sky’s the limit – quilting, crocheting, metalwork, jewelry, woodcraft, baking, jam or salsa made from your garden.  Frame a wonderful photograph you took. I consider shopping a talent as well – maybe you found something wonderful that you can donate whether it be “vintage” or new.  A basket of books for those readers among us??? 
We’ll get to raise money and get to know each other at the same time.

Her last line is the clincher. We belong to Optimist Clubs because we want to build relationships with others. What better way to get to know someone that to talk about what we do when we are not performing Optimist Club projects? Bring your hobby or craft and tell your story. Bring something to sell and help raise money for the CCC.

And if you want to be on stage singing or dancing -- there's time for that too!

Can't wait to see it all  - and you - at the meeting.

Photo credit

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Golf with the Govs

This just in...

Tee times have been reserved in Hood River for PNW District Optimists. That's right! If you are headed to the first quarter meeting, this is your opportunity to GOLF WITH THE GOVs.

Governor Larry Blackburn and Immediate Past Governor Bill French are looking forward to adding more foursomes on Friday, October 19, 2012. Tee off at 10:00 a.m.

Click here to let Larry and Bill know you're coming. 

Larry says, "Let's have fun!"

Friday, October 12, 2012

Be an Optimist Club volunteer

A note in the Twin Falls Blab today said, "We're looking for committee chair persons. This is the best way to become involved and learn about the Twin Falls Optimist Club and what we do for the kids in our community."

Isn't that the truth?

It is a fact: our Optimist Clubs run on volunteers. Our volunteers are not only the lifeblood of our clubs, they are the positive, upbeat faces of our communities who are most connected to their goals and the dreams, desires, and needs of others.

If you have a project that you want to see started, changed, enhanced, or managed, step up and be a chair person in your local Optimist Club. Something tells me with nearly 150 members, the Twin Falls Optimist Club will have all of their committee seats filled soon and be looking for more projects that make a difference in their community.

Get active. Volunteer to lead a project in your Optimist Club.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A message from the Optimist International President

Dear Optimist Leaders,

Good morning to each of you. Today, "WE" are responsible for the LEADERSHIP and DIRECTION of our districts, clubs and members! You have the skills, knowledge and ability to be a GREAT Optimist leader and together we will forge a great team and achieve wonderful results for our clubs and kids!

I believe very strongly that new clubs are the answer to achieving success and meeting the needs of kids and our communities! Building new clubs is the answer!

New clubs will bring us excitement, enthusiasm, excellence, energy and electricity to power our year to success.

So, in that spirit and to highlight and focus on this important element of our success...

For the first 25-member adult new Optimist club chartered in 2012-2013:

The new club's president and his or her partner will receive a President's Cruise in November 2013 (includes airfare and cruise).
The sponsor club's president and his or her partner will also receive a President's Cruise in November 2013 (includes airfare and cruise).The sponsor club must finish 2012-13 as a Distinguished Club and the new club must finish the year as an Honor Club.

New clubs are our future. I urge you to make this your highest priority and top goal this year! The first team that charters a new 25-member adult club in 2012-13, then calls me, wins (charter paperwork must be filed within the same day). I am looking forward to the first call!


OI President
"JC" St-Onge

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Please participate in an internal communications survey

We are conducting an internal communications survey in order to determine the level of engagement that Optimist International and/or District have with its club members and district leaders. Your replies will be anonymous. We encourage you to complete this ten questions survey. Thank you.
Click here to take survey

Friday, October 5, 2012

Find out how to get more out of life at the First Quarter Meeting

"To get more out of life, put more into it," is Governor Larry Blackburn's motto. He's sharing his beliefs with the Pacific Northwest District Optimists this year with the addition of "To get more out of life -help a child!" a saying that will meet with the acceptance of all Optimist Club members.

Come to the first quarter meeting and find out more about Governor Larry's hopes and dreams for your Optimist Club.

Click on the photo to enlarge and print the weekend program for October 19-20, 2012.

Register online now. 

We hope to see you there.

Monday, October 1, 2012

It's a new Optimist Club year!

Greetings from Governor Larry in the start of our new year and best wishes to all.

Thanks to Governor Bill and all his team members for a superb job in leading our district this past year. As we all know, it was a challenge, but we have come through in fine fashion and Bill, you are commended for a splendid job, well done. I have been so proud to have served as your governor-elect this past year.

I ask you, Optimist Club members and officers, to join us in the coming year as we look beyond the past and the present and embrace our international charge “For the future.”

Next up for the PNW District is our 1st Quarter gathering in Hood River, Oregon October 19-20. Are you registered yet? If not, check out the website or give me a call; I’d love to see each and every one of you at this important meeting. You will definitely enjoy and learn more about Planned Giving; how each of us can plan ahead and support our wonderful organization or other group of your choice. In addition to our Executive Board meeting, training and district meeting, there will be fun time!

There are some plans for sturgeon fishing, talent show featuring our own members and you will hear from some people answering this burning question, “Can you find love, at an Optimist meeting?” Furthermore, this weekend is the annual “Harvest Festival” in Hood River and is on the waterfront, near the Best Western. You will want to spend some time at this great activity.

What fun; learn, share, grow in Optimism and renew friendships with our fellow Optimists. So plan now to attend; I look forward to seeing you. Encourage your fellow club members to attend as it’s always, “More Fun with Everyone!”

~Governor Larry

Larry Blackburn, Governor 2012-2013

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