In case you didn't know, Governor Larry has planned a talent show for Saturday evening. Dyan thought it might be fun to show off all of our talents, not just those that involve getting up in front of an audience. Her idea:
If everyone who has a talent/hobby could bring something to auction it would just be great fun! I have some wineglasses that I paint, so sky’s the limit – quilting, crocheting, metalwork, jewelry, woodcraft, baking, jam or salsa made from your garden. Frame a wonderful photograph you took. I consider shopping a talent as well – maybe you found something wonderful that you can donate whether it be “vintage” or new. A basket of books for those readers among us???
We’ll get to raise money and get to know each other at the same time.
Her last line is the clincher. We belong to Optimist Clubs because we want to build relationships with others. What better way to get to know someone that to talk about what we do when we are not performing Optimist Club projects? Bring your hobby or craft and tell your story. Bring something to sell and help raise money for the CCC.
And if you want to be on stage singing or dancing -- there's time for that too!
Can't wait to see it all - and you - at the meeting.
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