Youth Free Swim Nights are every Friday from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm, May 1 to August 21 at the Mission Leisure Center. What a great way to keep our kids safe and active on Friday night!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Mission Optimist Club offers free swim nights
Youth Free Swim Nights are every Friday from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm, May 1 to August 21 at the Mission Leisure Center. What a great way to keep our kids safe and active on Friday night!
Monday, April 27, 2009
An Optimist Scholarship Program sponsored by YOU
Here is a great way to link your name or to honor someone you respect with some of the greatest activities that Optimist International performs. Make a gift to the Optimist International Foundations to endow a scholarship.
Starting in 2010, the prizes for the Optimist Oratorical, Essay and CCDHH scholarship contests will raise to $2,500. In order to help make the change, the Optimist International Foundations have created an opportunity for donors to name the scholarship that they fund. Naming a scholarship may happen in one of two ways:
- An agreement to fund the $2,500 scholarship annually for a five-year period. The donor signs a contract specifying payment for the upcoming year no later than December 31 of the previous year.
- An agreement to fund an endowment of $50,000 to permanently fund one $2,500 scholarship. Again, the donor signs a contractual agreement.
Find out more by contacting the Optimist International Foundation at 800-500-8130 and asking for Judi Smith, Executive Director or Rachael Lowes, Development Director. This opportunity is available through the St. Louis Office for all Foundations that support Optimist International.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Enjoy beautiful Hood River with the Optimists

The PNW Optimists will gather for the third quarterly meeting on May 15-16 in Hood River, Oregon. You won't want to miss the District Optimist Oratorical Finals. This year's topic is "For me, Optimism is..." so I'm looking forward to some positive thoughts from our young public speakers.
We also elect our Lt. Governors for the 2009-2010 administrative year at this meeting. Are you ready to share your passion about Optimist Clubs? Being a Lt. Governor is the best way to get started and learn to share your Optimist story. Let the candidate qualifications committee know of your interest today.
Governor Peter Smith and his team are planning an informative and enjoyable meeting. See you there.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Optimist Club benefits from prominent spokesperson
This post, however, is not about Mr. Leib. It is about what it takes to get your Optimist Club recognized in your community. Our Optimist Clubs perform fabulous projects, but only sometimes do our newspapers take notice. One sure way to get your Optimist Club noticed is to garner the endorsement of a prominent citizen. That endorsement means even more when they speak about our cause - Optimist Clubs - with passion.
Take the Jeffrey M. Leib interview for example. With 1.5 pages devoted to the purposes and projects of Optimist Clubs and the positive impact they have on youth, it is easy to see how an Optimist Club makes a difference. Add in the story of Mr. Leib's active community involvement and you can see how Optimist Clubs have always been a priority in his life. If I were a reader, I would want to be involved with such a cause. How about you?
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Meridian Optimist Club sponsors Idaho Junior Golf Tournament
First place finishers in age divisions Boys 14 - 15 and 16-18 and Girls 14 -15 and 16-18 will receive an expense-paid trip to Hillsboro, Oregon for the PNW District Tournament on June . Golfers who qualify at the District level event will advance to the Optimist International Junior Golf Tournament at the PGA National Resort & Spa, July 23 - August 2, 2009.
Download a registration form for the Meridian Optimist Club Junior Golf Tournament.
Find out more about the Optimist International Junior Golf Tournament.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
BC Optimists promote talented youths
Over the past month, the Optimist Clubs of Mission, Chilliwack and Burnaby have sponsored talent contests for the kids. Here are two articles about the contests. I hope to have more to report on the events soon. Please send your pictures, press releases or links to videos to linda at newoptimistclub dot com.
Talent Show Announced
Talented Youth win at Optimist Event
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Optimist Clubs celebrate Easter
Official time: 1 minute 43 seconds. That's how long it took for the little hunters and gatherers to make their way to the finish line with their candy at the Meridian Optimist Club Easter Egg-Off. Caseloads of candy were spread out in four age groups and hundreds of youngsters up to ten years old raced through the course collecting their treasure. Many also garnered specially marked prizes and got to choose from tables full of gifts donated by Meridian, Idaho businesses. The Meridian Fire and Police Departments joined in the fun. You can watch the slide show and enjoy it too!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Optimist Essays published in Albany newspaper
The Power of Youth - 1st Place by Kristen Bergey "Travel, Work Shape Outlook"
The Power of Youth - 2nd Place by Taylor Trout "Ability to Work is the Power of Youth"
The Optimist International Essay Contest began in 1983 as a way for students to express themselves around a central theme or topic. In addition to developing their writing skills, students have the opportunity to win college scholarships ranging from $650 to $6,000. All contests must begin at the club level. There are more than 3,000 Optimist Clubs around the world. You can find the club nearest you by clicking on the Optimist Club directory or visiting
Thursday, April 9, 2009
The Purposes of an Optimist Club
The Purposes of an Optimist Club
To develop optimism as a philosophy of life, utilizing the tenets of the Optimist Creed;
To promote an active interest in good government and civic affairs;
To inspire respect for the law;
To promote patriotism and work for international accord and friendship among all people;
To aid and encourage the development of youth, in the belief that the giving of one’s self in service to others will advance the well-being of humankind, community life and the world.
Share these thoughts with others. Apply the purposes to the projects that your Optimist Club sponsor and perform. Embody the spirit and action of Optimist Clubs around the world and I am certain your club will grow and succeed.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Dynasty of public speakers at the Vancouver Optimist Oratorical Contest

Friday, April 3, 2009
Evening mixers add fun for Optimist Clubs

This week was one of those Tuesdays. Bulletin editor Wes Callahan sent us a few pictures of the

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