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Saturday, June 30, 2018

Optimist International announces top youth speaker

The third annual Optimist International Oratorical World Championships were held June 28-29, 2018 at St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO and a winner has been declared.

Congratulations to Caleb Smith!

Representing the South Carolina District, Southeast Region, Caleb placed first among 9 regions and 54 contestants at the world championship event. As did all contestants, he also faced competition and triumphed in Optimist Club, Zone and/or Regional, and District-level competitions in order to reach the ultimate speak-off.

Coming in second place was Dominique Ruedaflores of the Pacific Southeast District, West Coast Region. In third place was Christopher Burrell, Kansas District, Midwestern Region.

The contest may be viewed on YouTube, Optimist International World Oratorical Championships. For the finals, please scroll to 2:20:13.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Optimist International Oratorical World Championships to be held June 28-29, 2018

asha mior pnwoptimist This week, the PNW District - Optimist International Oratorical Champion, Asha Mior, is headed to St. Louis University in St. Louis, Missouri to compete live in the Optimist International Oratorical World Championships.

This is the third year of the enhanced competition for the Optimist Club Oratorical Contest. Thanks to a partnership with St. Louis University, there is an extra opportunity for earning scholarships, $5,000 to each regional winner plus an additional $15,000 to the tournament champion. 

This is the first year that the PNW District will compete in-person. The World Championships was first designed as an opportunity to compete remotely, from around the world, but has adapted to a joint live and remote opportunity. Some contestants will compete from their local base while others will compete in-person before the St. Louis audience. The judges watch all contestants via the remote method. 

You are invited to watch remotely as well at http://www.optimist.org/stream.

The West Coast Region will compete Thursday, June 28, 2018, 4:00 p.m. CST. (That's central time, remember.) Please click to enlarge the complete schedule below. 

optimist international oratorical 2018

We send best wishes for success to Asha!

Friday, June 22, 2018

Dick Brodie earns Lifetime Achievement Award

dick brodie pnw optimist clubsHe's an avid golfer and past Distinguished Governor of the Pacific Northwest District - Optimist International. At home,  he's a dedicated Optimist, a charter member of the Mission, BC Optimist Club.

Recently the community took notice and said thank you to Dick Brodie for his volunteer service as he was given the 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award by the District of Mission.

Among some of the highlights of his volunteer career are sports coaching for lacrosse, soccer, and badminton. He's organized charity golf tournaments for more than 18 years and of course, been an Optimist Club member for longer than that.

It's easy to see that Dick cares for others as he encourages them to be involved in their community. He says, "The best part about volunteering is the people that you meet. Go out, find something that you love doing, and then help as many people as possible."

We congratulate Dick Brodie on his recognition and send hearty compliments on his service to youth and community.

Thanks to Rose Brodie for sending the flyer to us to share.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Optimists will soon gather in Ottawa for the 100th Annual Optimist International Convention

Optimist Clubs will come together July 7-10, 2018 for the 100th Annual Optimist International Convention in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. It will be the kick-off to a year-long celebration of 100 years of service through the fellowship of Optimist Clubs in twenty-one countries around the world.

In addition to networking with other Optimist Club members, the convention is where District leaders receive training and general members receive inspiration. All are invited to participate in the governance of the organization.

This year, six bylaws amendments will be considered as follows:
Issue 1 - Clarifies that Friend of Optimist members are ineligible to serve as an officer of an Optimist Club/Board of Directors nor are they eligible to vote at District or International Conventions. The purpose of the change in wording, according to the rationale submitted by the Optimist International Board of Directors is to encourage those who want to be active in governance to become traditional Optimist Club members.  
Issue 2 - Provides wording that would allow the Optimist International Board of Directors to suspend or revoke the membership of persons who have committed "conduct unbecoming an Optimist member" should an Optimist Club fail to do so. The Optimist International Board of Directors submits this proposal for use in "rare instances."  
Issue 3 - Following the amendment passed at the 2017 International Convention which stated only members with consent could speak on behalf of an Optimist Club or Optimist International, this proposal further clarifies that those with significant program authority, such as coaches, but not limited to sports activities, must be members of the Optimist Club. In addition to providing accountability, the Optimist International Board of Directors explains this proposal facilitates insurance liability coverage.  
Issue 4 - Clearly states that in order to be a Governor or Governor-elect of a District, individuals must have served a full term as an Optimist Club President. The Optimist International Board of Directors proposes this amendment to build a strong leadership base with knowledge of the organization.  
Issue 5 - The Optimist International Board of Directors proposes that persons serving as Directors-at-Large should complete their terms, or be in their final year of service, before being considered for promotion. 
Issue 6 - The Springfield-Luncheon Optimist Club proposes the following change to the Optimist Creed in the second tenet: "To make all your friends all persons feel there is something in them."
The Ottawa Host Area Committee has planned a number of meaningful social activities for the Optimist International Convention attendees and is looking forward to welcoming a thousand or more Optimist Club members to their community. 

Registration is still open at this link. When registering, members will be asked to choose the classes they will attend while on site.

Click here to review the convention agenda at a glance. 

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Road sign publicity that works

PNW Optimist Clubs
I was recently traveling in Mexico and I couldn't help but notice that Rotary International was on display.

Unlike the service clubs to which this website is devoted, the Rotary Clubs were proudly announcing their existence with the Rotary logo, location, and date and time of their meetings, in public parks with sculptures similar to the one shown on the right.

I wish that I had thought to snap some pictures earlier than the day I was leaving for some of the displays were quite ornate. All were artistic and contributed to the surroundings of the community all while serving the purpose of gaining publicity for the Rotary Club.

optimist international pnw optimist clubs
Over the weeks since I've returned, I've wondered why the typical road sign available for Optimist International doesn't have the necessary information to get someone to a meeting; i.e., where is the meeting held and what time does it happen? It seems that would be pretty easy to include. I've also wondered why it hasn't been better promoted. Over the past five years or so, the road sign has been offered as an incentive for adding new members and while that is not a bad idea, it does not proactively publicize Optimist International.

I was surprised to learn that in the early 1930s, Optimist Clubs were encouraged to cooperate in a publicity program by placing signs along roads that led to their cities. As is shown on the cover of The Optimist from October 1934, the familiar octagon welcomed visitors with a stop sign - the octagon - that advertised the location and time of its local Optimist Club meeting.

In this time of digital media, it is easy to forget that traditional modes of communication still work and what's more, they work well. Signs, printed materials, and word of mouth marketing are all tools that we must use in promoting our Optimist Clubs. Get the road sign - or better yet, earn the road sign - and then place it in a prominent place in your community. Be sure to add the location, date, and time of your meeting and invite people to join your Optimist Club.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Students and teachers are honored by Hillsboro Optimist Club

The Hillsboro Optimist Club held its annual youth appreciation program May 31, 2018, at Trinity Lutheran. Twenty students and educators were recognized at the Optimist Club Student & Staff Awards Program.

2018 youth appreciation hillsboro optimist

Hillsboro Optimist Club member JV Torgerson was the master of ceremonies at this event that included entertainment from the HSD Mariachi Una Vos, a keynote address from Audrea Neville, Executive Director of the Hillsboro Middle Schools, and the presentation of awards by principals of Evergreen Middle School, J. W. Poynter Middle School, R. A. Brown Middle School and South Meadows Middle School. The flag salute was given by Boy Scout Troop 855.

The following outstanding students were recognized:

  • Evergreen Middle School - Chanelle Roberts, Omar Flores Reyes, Sabine Tronco, and Samuel Brodniak
  • Poynter Middle School - Brenda Lopez Fuentes, Ryan Fyfe, Lily Donis, and Ian Byrd
  • R. A. Brown Middle School - Kelsey Moore, Mikah Gill, Reem Kamel, and Matthew Chhunkeo
  • South Meadows Middle School - Addison Swannack, Josue Flores Contreras, Beatriz Lopes-Preciado, and Spencer Dickinson

The following outstanding educators and personnel were recognized:

  • Evergreen Middle School - Kathy Grant and Amy Grant
  • J. W. Poynter Middle School - Kelsie Burkhardt and Nathan Ross
  • R. A. Brown Middle School - Ben Ross and Brigitte Skipper
  • South Meadows Middle School - Abby Garcia and Connie Briceno

hillsboro optimist youth awards

The Hillsboro Optimist Club Youth Appreciation ceremony was organized by members John Meek and Rennia Meek. The photos are courtesy of Jack Thornton.

Click here to see more photos on Facebook.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

What's a teacher to do in the summer?

School's out for summer - what better time is there to ask a teacher to join your Optimist Club?

optimist recruit a teacher
Teachers, school administrators, coaches, and others in the education system offer excellent connections for Optimist Clubs. As members, they can encourage more students to participate in the scholarship programs offered by Optimist International that must begin at the local Optimist Club level. As members, they can steer aspiring athletes to gain skills in Optimist Club sponsored youth sports programs. As members, they might provide hands-on support to start a new Junior Optimist Club program within a school or school district.

Above all, teachers as members provide new ideas for supporting the youth of your community from hands-on activities, to funding programs, sponsoring scholarships and more. Teachers are truly a vital link and because of that, Optimist International encourages you to add a teacher, or two, or three, or more, to your roster for only $30. That's it. One payment of $30 covers the entire year, offer valid through September 30, 2018.

Find out more about the Recruit a Teacher program here. 

Friday, June 1, 2018

Tournament results for the PNW District - Optimist International US Junior Golf Qualifier

junior golf pnw optimist clubs

The PNW District - Optimist International Junior Golf Championships Qualifying Tournament (US) was held May 19, 2018, at Forest Hills Golf Course, Cornelius, Oregon.  The Hillsboro Optimist Club served as host of the tournament and member Al Young was the tournament director.

Please click to enlarge complete tournament results.

Twenty-four junior golfers participated. Qualifying to move forward to THE OPTIMIST are:

Girls 15-18
Olivia Venderby

Girls 13-14
Kyra Ly
Emily Song

Girls 10-12
Natalie Yen

Boys 14-15
Nicholas Watts
Arthur Venderby

Boys 12-13
Douglas Bailey
Carson Mauer

Boys 10-11
Grady Miller

Taking first place in the boys' division of the tournament was Nicholas Watts; in the girls' division was Olivia Venderby. Congratulations!

Many thanks to the Hillsboro Optimist Club for producing the tournament and especially to Jack Thornton for the photos and update.

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