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Tuesday, June 5, 2018

What's a teacher to do in the summer?

School's out for summer - what better time is there to ask a teacher to join your Optimist Club?

optimist recruit a teacher
Teachers, school administrators, coaches, and others in the education system offer excellent connections for Optimist Clubs. As members, they can encourage more students to participate in the scholarship programs offered by Optimist International that must begin at the local Optimist Club level. As members, they can steer aspiring athletes to gain skills in Optimist Club sponsored youth sports programs. As members, they might provide hands-on support to start a new Junior Optimist Club program within a school or school district.

Above all, teachers as members provide new ideas for supporting the youth of your community from hands-on activities, to funding programs, sponsoring scholarships and more. Teachers are truly a vital link and because of that, Optimist International encourages you to add a teacher, or two, or three, or more, to your roster for only $30. That's it. One payment of $30 covers the entire year, offer valid through September 30, 2018.

Find out more about the Recruit a Teacher program here. 

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