We love stories about your Optimist Club. Please tell us one and we'll add it to the website.
Click here, email, or post to Facebook. Thank you!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The kids are counting on you

Governor Ed has three challenges for your Optimist Club. Your mission, should you choose to accept:

1) Send at least one member from your Optimist Club to the District Convention on August 25-27. Your club president has a seat on the board of directors. Her counsel is needed to guide our district. Your club president-elect is invited to attend an orientation and officer-elect training in order to get ready for the new year that begins on October 1. Why not send both of them?

This plaque is available for
purchase from the District for
Friends of Optimist.
Ask Ed to learn more. 
2) Add three new members to your Optimist Club before September 30. New members inspire us all to do more. Don't you want to experience their new-found optimism?

3) Add at least one Friend of Optimist to your club roster. Find out how easy it is to do and then go the distance by adding 20 and getting a personal visit to your Optimist Club from Optimist International President Danny Rodgers.

Can you do it? Of course you can! The kids are counting on you.

Monday, July 25, 2011

PNW District Convention program released today

Jack Creswell
True to Pacific Northwest District tradition, we are pleased to announce that Jack Creswell, Optimist International President-Designate will be joining us for the District Convention.

His spouse, Sue Creswell, will join him and together they will lead the orientation and education sessions for the incoming leadership team including club presidents and secretary/treasurers and district lieutenant governors and committee chairs.

Sue Creswell
In addition to being the designated president and first lady, Jack and Sue are Certified International Trainers for Optimist International. Their sessions are sure to be inspirational as well as informative.

Jack has chosen for his theme "100% and then some." On Friday afternoon, all members and guests are invited to participate in a session to learn the story behind the theme and how you can be involved in the coming year.

Of course Jack and Sue will also be promoting a strong finish for the 2010-2011 administrative year on behalf of International President Danny Rodgers and explaining about the strong incentives in place for your club to add members now.

Please join us for the PNW District Convention. It takes place August 25-27 at the Red Lion - Bellevue, WA.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Add, add, delete your way to Honor Club

Only 69 more days in the 2010-2011
Optimist Club year
Your Optimist Club president has received emails from International President Danny Rodgers this week that explain how easy it is for your club to be an Honor Club.

Actually, it has never been easier than this year to reach that recognition. All that President Danny has asked his team (that's you!) to do this year is to add at least 20% new member additions to your Optimist Club. For the first time in my history, your Optimist Club will not be penalized for deletions, but you will be congratulated for additions. Don't worry about "net," just add, add, and delete when necessary.

Okay, so it is pretty easy to do. Why should you want to do it? 

Many Optimist Club leaders express a disinterest in receiving awards or recognition for their community service. However, reaching Honor Club is more than a level of recognition. It is the way your club continually builds for future service. 

In order to serve your community to the best of your club's ability, it is your responsibility to plan for succession. The easiest way to be sure there is someone to take your place is to be proactive in asking others to join. You never know who is interested...until you ask.  You never know who the next leader may be...until you ask. 

Of course, you really should do just a little more.  Complete and submit your President's Pride report and tell everyone about all the great things your Optimist Club does. When complete, print it out and use it to help create an annual report to tell the community about your Optimist Club

Be sure that Optimist International knows who has been elected to serve your club in 2011-2012. It's important; Optimist International wants and needs to communicate with them! So does the PNW District. 

Pay your bills. We are fortunate to belong to an international organization that provides resources and insurance, but we have to always invest in that benefit. 

Finally, reach out and help your fellow Optimist Clubs.  As a club president, you serve on the District Board of Directors. Provide counsel on the direction of your region and our organization by attending the district meetings and convention. You'll meet new friends, share ideas, and be a voice for the Optimist Club members and projects that you represent. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Greetings from the Governor

MK Mueller
I have an incredible treat for you. MK Mueller will be our key-note speaker at our District Convention in Bellevue, Wa. August 25-27th. International trainer and author of the best selling book "8 to Great," MK Mueller began her professional life as a high school teacher when she hit rock bottom and found herself in a domestic violence shelter. From the depths of despair, she experienced life-changing insights as she discovered that we are not victims because the power to effect change is always within us.

Meanwhile, she is dedicated to the empowerment of our youth, and trains thousands of middle and high school teachers each year in her 8 to Great Success Curriculum. It has touched so many lives it was recently mentioned on Dr. Phil! MK is a winner of the Heartland Hero Award and numerous music awards for her inspiring compositions.

In addition to MK Mueller, we are blessed to have International President Elect Jack Creswell and his wife, Sue, join us in Bellevue. Not every district get's a visit from International Presidents - we are very fortunate. Come, bring your questions and be ready to share and learn some great ideas. Current International President Danny Rodgers wants to visit your club. Any club that signs up 20 new Friends of Optimists (FOOs) by the end of September, 2011 will receive such a visit. No way? Yes way! We have a plan and we know it will work. More information to follow. Any club that accomplishes this by our Convention will also receive a visit from Abraham Lincoln for any local school of your choice. The first club to reach 20 will receive special recognition at our Convention. Let's do it.

Enjoy the rest of your sum-mer and I look forward to seeing your smiling faces in August.
In Optimism,

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A short stack for a tall cause

Applebee's and the
Vancouver Optimist Club
The Optimist Club in Vancouver, Washington is in fundraising mode and everyone is invited to participate, especially those of you who live in the Portland-Vancouver area. It's just a short trip to enjoy good food and fellowship and help make a little money for the cause.

What's the cause? The Optimist Club of Vancouver Foundation is seeking donations for improvements for the following projects at the Youth Camp: restoration of the cook house to include foundation work, siding, and possibly a new roof as well as other camp maintenance work.

What's the opportunity? Breakfast! Stop by Applebee's, 12717 SE 2nd Circle, Vancouver between 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, August 13 and enjoy "short stack for a tall cause." Your $7.00 donation will benefit the great work of the Optimist Club.  Please click on the picture for details.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Certified Way Cool

Have you heard about President Danny's wish? With only 76 days to go in the 2010-2011 administrative year, he  wants to take one of those days to visit your Optimist Club. You read that right...Optimist International President Danny Rodgers wants to be local with your peeps.

Yes, there is a bit of a catch; but it's a good one, good for your club and good for Optimist International. After all, we're in this thing we call community service together, right?

To claim your visit, simply add 20 Friends of Optimists to your Optimist Club between July 1 - September 30.

What could be easier? Download the Friend of Optimist brochure  and ask your dentist, your dry cleaner, maybe your veterinarian to become a Friend of your Optimist Club today.

Danny can't wait to say thank you in person.  Now that is way cool!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tell us about your 4th of July projects

While some PNW District Optimist Club members were away at the Optimist International Convention, others were busy carrying out projects with their Optimist Clubs. 

The Hillsboro Optimist Club participated in the 4th of July Parade. 

The Portland-Peninsula Optimist Club sold fireworks, as did the Optimist Club of Horseshoe Bend. 

What was your club up to over the 4th? Leave us a comment and tell us all about it! Thank you. 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Notes from the Optimist International Convention

For four days, Optimist Club members from the PNWD gathered with Other Optimist Clubs from around the world at the 93rd Annual Optimist International Convention. They shared fellowship, traded ideas, participated in training and planned for the future by voting on amendments to the bylaws and electing international officers for 2012-2013.

Joining the International Board of Directors are Michael Goldman of Florida and Paul Lucas of Texas. Linda "Mo" Molthen of the PSED was appointed vice president and J. C. St. Onge was elected as president.

Amendments to the bylaws were  adopted to make self nominations more inclusive and the financial issues for pension trustees and district reporting were passed; however, the Childhood Cancer Campaign and suggestion to change the Optimist Creed failed.

A resolution to create program called the Childhood Wellness Campaign passed.

Eighteen Fourteen members from British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and Idaho enjoyed the convention. Unfortunately most got away before this picture was snapped.

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