The Pacific Northwest District will hold four Super Zone meetings in the second quarter of the 2015-
2016 administrative year. Taking the place of the regular district meeting, the hope is that the governor will have the opportunity to meet more Optimist Club members during the regional events.
Super Zone 1 - BC took place on February 6, 2016.
Super Zone 2 - Idaho will take place on March 12, 2016.
Super Zone 3 - Oregon will take place on February 20, 2016.
Super Zone 4 - Washington will take place on February 27, 2016.
Zone 4 Lt.Governor Monique Connors wrote in today with the agenda for the Washington Meeting and asked me to invite everyone to attend. It will take place at Kit Carson Restaurant, Chehalis, WA starting at 11:00 a.m. on February 27.
Highlights will include fellowship, a presentation about the impact of Optimist Clubs by Scott Keller, awards from 2014-2015 from Immediate Past Governor Dick Disney and a District update from Governor Michael Gray.
Follow the links to register now.
Enlarge the picture or
click here to download the agenda for Zone 4. Other agendas will be added when received.