In addition to networking with other Optimist Club members, the convention is where District leaders receive training and general members receive inspiration. All are invited to participate in the governance of the organization.
This year, six bylaws amendments will be considered as follows:
Issue 1 - Clarifies that Friend of Optimist members are ineligible to serve as an officer of an Optimist Club/Board of Directors nor are they eligible to vote at District or International Conventions. The purpose of the change in wording, according to the rationale submitted by the Optimist International Board of Directors is to encourage those who want to be active in governance to become traditional Optimist Club members.
Issue 2 - Provides wording that would allow the Optimist International Board of Directors to suspend or revoke the membership of persons who have committed "conduct unbecoming an Optimist member" should an Optimist Club fail to do so. The Optimist International Board of Directors submits this proposal for use in "rare instances."
Issue 3 - Following the amendment passed at the 2017 International Convention which stated only members with consent could speak on behalf of an Optimist Club or Optimist International, this proposal further clarifies that those with significant program authority, such as coaches, but not limited to sports activities, must be members of the Optimist Club. In addition to providing accountability, the Optimist International Board of Directors explains this proposal facilitates insurance liability coverage.
Issue 4 - Clearly states that in order to be a Governor or Governor-elect of a District, individuals must have served a full term as an Optimist Club President. The Optimist International Board of Directors proposes this amendment to build a strong leadership base with knowledge of the organization.
Issue 5 - The Optimist International Board of Directors proposes that persons serving as Directors-at-Large should complete their terms, or be in their final year of service, before being considered for promotion.
Issue 6 - The Springfield-Luncheon Optimist Club proposes the following change to the Optimist Creed in the second tenet: "To makeThe Ottawa Host Area Committee has planned a number of meaningful social activities for the Optimist International Convention attendees and is looking forward to welcoming a thousand or more Optimist Club members to their community.all your friendsall persons feel there is something in them."
Registration is still open at this link. When registering, members will be asked to choose the classes they will attend while on site.
Click here to review the convention agenda at a glance.