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Sunday, July 7, 2019

The founding of Optimist International is dedicated in Louisville

PIP Optimist InternationalWhat happened at the 101st Optimist International Convention?

Attendees shared their ideas, purpose, and goals to lead the world into the next century by bringing out the best in youth, community, and ourselves. They enjoyed learning from one another about best practices for their Optimist Club and they especially enjoyed the fellowship that accompanies a large gathering of Optimist Club members from around the world.

Attendees affirmed all of the business that came before the delegation finding the bylaws amendments to be in good order. Specifically important to the Pacific Northwest District, the calculation for voting at Club, District, and International meetings was clarified as follows (Bylaws Article IV, Section 2., A.):
A. Number of Votes. In an annual election, each Club in good standing shall be entitled to one vote for each 10 voting members or majority fraction thereof (6 or more) based on the voting numerical membership enrolled by the Club in the office of Optimist International as of 30 April immediately preceding the election. Each Club in good standing shall be entitled to a minimum of one vote. A Club organized after 30 April, and prior to the first day on which the election is held, shall be entitled to cast its vote on the basis of the numerical charter membership enrolled by the Club in the office of Optimist International. All voting shall be based on the total number of votes cast by accredited Clubs.
birth of Optimist International Attendees were motivated to action by International President Rebecca Butler Mona and International President Designate Adrian Elcock. Combining their slogans, delegates returned to their home clubs with the mission to "Promise yourself to iMagine the future."

founding of Optimist International LouisvilleBefore all of the above happened, however, attendees were invited to celebrate the placement of a historical marker recognizing the birth of Optimist International. Commissioned and funded by the Past International Presidents of Optimist International, the marker stands near the site of the first convention at the front of the Kentucky Convention Center. As we leave behind a bit of history, we celebrate our mission and promise to continue to serve our communities for another 100 years, and hopefully,  more.

In the photos, please see Past International President Ron Thompson and West Tacoma Optimist Club member speaking at the dedication and the front and back of the historical plaque.

Check back, we will share more news of the convention in the coming days.

Photos courtesy of Dave Bruns.

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