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Friday, June 28, 2019

Happy Birthday Optimist International

The party started last year on July 1 as Optimist Club members around the world began the Centennial Celebration of Optimist International. The party continues this coming week in Louisville, Kentucky, home of the original convention when Optimist International was founded on June 19, 1919.

Eleven Optimist Clubs came together to form what is now known as Optimist International. Approximately 2,300 Optimist Clubs make up the organization today. All clubs are divided into regions and districts for administrative purposes. The Optimist Clubs in British Columbia, Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Utah, and Washington make up the Pacific Northwest District.

Representing a number of different Optimist Clubs, 18 individuals will travel to Louisville for the 101st International Convention. Among the delegates representing clubs in the PNW District will be a Past International President, Ron Thompson of the West Tacoma Optimist Club, 4 Past International Vice Presidents, 5 Past Distinguished Governors, and a number of enthusiastic members.

Some say that the main reason to attend an international convention is to meet with friends from various Optimist Clubs around the world. Others say it is to find motivation from sharing ideas surrounding our common goals of bringing out the best in youth, community, and ourselves. Both are correct; plus, we must address the business of the organization including governance, training, and recognition of those who serve and special recognition for those who have made significant accomplishments or contributions.

It truly is an inspirational time to experience and share on return. All delegates look forward to sharing what we learn at the PNW District Convention, August 15-18, 2019, Victoria, BC. More information will be shared about the district event when it becomes available.

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