[tuh-mawr-oh, -mor-oh]1. the day following today
2. the day that the Twin Falls Optimist Club hosts the 1st Annual Wings & Things Ultimate Tailgate Challenge
Join the Twin Falls Optimist Club for the debut of a new community event for the Twin Falls community tomorrow, September 10 at Twin Falls City Park. Featuring chicken wings, BBQ, chili, Dutch oven cooking and a children's category, this fun activity will have samples for the guests, prizes for the chefs, and fun for the whole family.
To get the word out, the Twin Falls Optimist Club place billboards around town and then asked club members to be the first to find them. Robin Stanhope beat the crowd and proudly displays one of her finds here.
Has your Optimist Club used billboard advertising? How do you get the word out about your activities. Share your ideas with us or comment below. Thanks.