Steve Skodak, CFRE |
Kennewick, WA for the 3rd Quarter District Meeting. According to Governor Dick Disney, this meeting is an opportune time for all to appreciate what the Foundations do for us - Help Optimists Help Children.
The Optimist International Foundations award $150,000 in new scholarships annually. However, the amount that is disbursed every year can often exceed that amount as students enroll in college or university and request their scholarship be directed to their education. Since 2008, $1,616,479 has gone to student education at places such as Harvard, Stanford and Yale as well as many smaller private universities and state colleges, large and small.
Every year, District Foundation Representatives are appointed to help the Foundations (Optimist International Foundation in the US and Children's Optimist Foundation in Canada) meet its funding needs. The scholarship support is only part of the picture. The Foundations also provide funding to support other Optimist International programs, especially membership and marketing initiatives.
Newer to the list of services are initiatives to provide grants directly to Optimist Clubs for program purposes. There are club grant awards through both foundations and the Reel Optimism Contest that displays the enthusiasm and great work of our clubs.
You can learn more about how your individual and club donation can help Optimist International do even more. Plan to meet Steve May 15-16, 2015 in Kennewick. Register now.