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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Your Optimist Club can recognize a special member with a President's Citation

Each year every Club can choose to recognize a deserving club member by nominating them for an Optimist International  President's Citation.  There is always a member in your club that put's in a little extra to make sure you club fund raisers work and community service projects are successful.

A President's Citation is unique to each year, carrying the President's logo and signature and serves as a permanent memento of the appreciation that both Optimist International  President Mark and a club bestows on a deserving member.

To nominate someone, the Club President needs to fax or mail the nomination form the applicable US or Canadian Optimist International Office. 

For US Clubs - mail or fax to:

Optimist International
4494 Lindell Blvd. 
St. Louis, MO 63108 
Fax: (314) 371-6006  

For Canadian Clubs - mail or fax to:

Canadian Service Centre
5205 Metropolitan Blvd. East, Suite 200
Montreal, QC H1R 1Z7
FAX to:  (514) 721-1104

The deadline date is August 31, 2010.  We suggest that you set August 15th as your deadline and call the applicable Office to make sure they received your completed nomination form.

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