Happy New Year, Optimist!
Optimist International President Adrian Elcock asks you to imagine the future. In this video, he kicks off the year with optimism, as we would expect, and momentum, as the centennial year we've just experienced has allowed.
As we imagine our future as an organization, President Adrian promises to embrace technology, improve communication, and share optimism with members and nonmembers alike as we celebrate the work that we do and the spirit that every Optimist Club embodies.
By imagining our new future, as individuals and as an organization, we will have success today. By imagining the future, we will plan for tomorrow and envision the success we will achieve.
Please join us as we welcome the 101st president of Optimist International, Adrian Elcock, to the most inspirational leadership role offered by the organization. We wish you, and all Optimist Club members around the globe, joy in this wonderful new year.
Imagine your Optimist Club's future. What will your Optimist Club achieve?
Good luck in all of your endeavors.
We love stories about your Optimist Club. Please tell us one and we'll add it to the website.
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