I saw a meme on Facebook that said March came in like a lion and went out like a seven-headed beast. Oh my, that is the truth!
Unprecedented times have arisen from a foe never seen before: COVID-19. The coronavirus has stalled the economy, placed health care workers on the frontline, and sent individuals into isolation to "flatten the curve," a reference to limiting the number of deaths that could occur if we do nothing to address its virulence. Cities, states, and countries around the world have taken this warning seriously and put social distancing orders in place.
Social distancing means we must stay at least six feet apart from others when we are outside and more directly, we should stay inside and safe at home. Only essential workers should be reporting to work and all social gatherings of ten or more have been canceled or postponed.
Staying with these orders, Optimist International has canceled its 2020 Optimist International Convention, the 2020 Junior Optimist Convention, and the Optimist International Junior Golf Championships. More information may be found here.
The Optimist Scholarship Contests will continue and have been shifted to online programs. Information for competing in the Optimist International World Oratorical Championships will come directly from Optimist International. The PNW District competition will be held via ZOOM on April 25, 2020, and more information will be posted on Facebook as received. Click here for general directions to host an online contest.
Now for our most important announcement:
Social distancing won't stop optimism. Stay safe at home.
Click here to connect with the PNW District Optimist Clubs on Facebook.
Click here to connect with Optimist International on Facebook.
Stay connected, stay positive, and stay well.
We love stories about your Optimist Club. Please tell us one and we'll add it to the website.
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