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Monday, September 24, 2018

Announce your Outstanding Optimist (please)

Has your Optimist Club named someone as an Outstanding Optimist this year?

An Outstanding Optimist is a member of your club or your community that has gone above and beyond in service to others or has provided hope or funding for your club or community to accomplish its goals.

The purposes of recognizing an Outstanding Optimist are quite simple. In addition to giving a well-earned pat on the back to a deserving individual, your Optimist Club may use the opportunity to advance the goals of Optimist International by publishing the award in your local newspaper and on social media. Sharing the optimistic news builds awareness and affinity for your Optimist Club and its causes.

To put it more succinctly, it gets your name out there and as you know, Optimist Clubs need more name recognition.

Plus, awarding someone for doing good in the club or community is a requirement for Honor Club.

Please report your award winner to Optimist International with this form by September 30. Thank you.

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