Beginning tomorrow, there are several things taking place in the world of Optimist Clubs and Optimist International of which you need to be aware:
- Optimist International Elections - Optimist Clubs that are current in their club financial obligations are invited to vote for the Optimist International President-elect, Regional Vice President-elect, and two candidates for the International Board of Directors. There are five candidates running for two positions on the Board, the only contested races. The Optimist Club president will receive their voting credentials from Survey Ballot Systems (SBS) on behalf of Optimist International. The voting must take place on or before May 31, 2018. Find out about the candidates here.
- Optimists in Action Month - The month of May has long been Optimists in Action month; however, this year it is being promoted especially well. Share pictures of what your Optimist Club is doing in your community on Facebook, Twitter, and through your club bulletin and other print media. Please share your stories here.
- For the first time, Optimist International is hosting the #beanoptimistchallenge on Twitter and Facebook to encourage the sharing of photos, especially for those clubs that aren't hosting events in May. Using the 31 prompts shown here, share a photo of an Optimist activity on your favorite social media platform.
- Optimist Club Officer Elections and Reporting - As always, the club officer election report (COER) is due by May 20. Please login to and report your club officers so that Optimist International and the District may begin to communicate with the future leaders of the club. This is a requirement for Honor Club.

Being an Optimist Club member is an invitation to serve your community. May you serve with a positive outlook in the month of May, and throughout the year.