Susan Fix, Optimist International Representative and Vice President of the Great Plains Region, led club officer-elect training and help prepare incoming club presidents and secretary/treasurers for their upcoming roles. She emphasized Honor Club as a way to success.
Susan also presented a session on how to have fun meetings. Of course business needs to be conducted, but that doesn't mean club members can't have fun in the process. Her tips focused on being kind, remembering those who weren't there, celebrating those who are, and influencing positive attitudes and expectations.
Governor Rick Matkin held a brusque board meeting. Three decisions were made affirming policy amendments that were introduced as a package with a "do pass" recommendation from the executive committee. As different as this approach was from prior board meetings, a small amount of discussion was held and a summary of the results are:
- Lieutenant Governors are expected to make one visit to each club in their zone during the year.
- Voting strength for clubs has been changed to one vote per each ten members or majority fraction thereof and one delegate registered, certified eligible, and present for the convention may cast all votes on behalf of the club.
- The Board of Directors, which consists of the executive committee and all Optimist Club presidents in the District, may be installed at the annual convention or at the first opportunity following the beginning of the administrative year.
In response to concerns raised regarding the poor accessibility of online resources, a resolution was passed to create a committee to review and recommend changes to the District's websites by October 1, 2017.
We heard there were four or five new club building ideas on the drawing board, including one in Spokane that Jim Boyd, Director of Strategic Growth, Optimist International, will be attending for the second time; however, those in attendance were not invited to participate.
The Board of Directors meeting ended following the election of the Governor-elect. Candidates Teresa Wallace and Ben DeRemer, both of the Gresham Optimist Club, made speeches outlining their vision and experience. In the first time that vote totals were ever disclosed, Ben was elected in a close race, 39 to 31.
After an afternoon of free time, approximately five hours later, the Governor's Banquet was held. Highlights included:
- Sponsor pins for recruiting new members were awarded.
- Committee chairs who had lived up to their personal goals submitted to the Governor at the beginning of the year were given a gift from the Governor.
- Rose Brodie was named the Roy Proctor Lifetime Achievement recipient.
- Susan Fix gave a motivational and interactive address with tips to encourage attendees to live a happy and kind life.
- Awarding of silent auction items. Approximately $755 was raised with the disbursements as follows: Optimist International Foundation - $105; Childhood Cancer Campaign - $45; Children's Optimist Foundation of Canada - $30; and the Pacific Northwest District treasury - $565.
In the picture, from the left, are:

Susan Fix, Vice President
Ben DeRemer, Governor-elect
Gary Smith, Lt. Governor
Bruce Gilbertson, Governor-designate
Tyler Carr, Lt. Governor
Doug Row, Lt. Governor
Joe Shreve, Lt. Governor
Peter Sudduth, Lt. Governor
Mary White, District Secretary/Treasurer
Not shown, Scott Keller, Lt. Governor
Speaking very briefly, Governor-designate Bruce said that he did not want to be a Distinguished Governor. He wants to be the Governor of a Distinguished District. He invited everyone to come to the next meeting in Kennewick, Washington October 27-28, 2017 and learn more.