Specifically, it is a very personal relationship for Head Coach of the Broncos, Bryan Harsin. During a luncheon program, Coach Harsin shared that he started his football career at nine-years of age with the Boise Noon Optimist Club Football Program.
What drew him to football? Harsin said that as a child, he liked football because he got to hit people. While that may seem overly aggressive, it is a positive way to channel young people's energy, build sportsmanship, teamwork, and strategy. As a coach, he teaches his players personal development along with their athletic ability.
Optimist Clubs have a positive impact in their communities and on the young people they serve. The Optimist Youth Sports Complex in Boise and Coach Harsin are two examples of many from just one Optimist Club. Imagine what an Optimist Club might achieve in your community and get involved! Get your friends, family, neighbors and coworkers together start an Optimist Club today.