Earlier this year, as part of its ongoing membership drive, the Albany Optimist Club updated its brochure. Bulletin editor Jack Towns produced the accompanying brochure to help tell the Albany Optimist Club story; that is, what it does, where it meets, and why it does what it does in the community.

It is a very straightforward format that your Optimist Club can and should follow. A club brochure helps recruit new members and is a great resource when asking businesses and individuals to make a donation to a particular cause.
Moreover, a club brochure also serves as a membership retention tool. When members see the great things they have accomplished, they know that during the year, they have made a difference and they recall the fun they had doing it. They remember why they are Optimist Volunteers.
If your club hasn't updated its brochure in a while, please do so. New pictures of new and traditional programs will energize your members and your community to do more.
Please click on the pictures to enlarge.