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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Hope floats at the Optimist International Convention

optimist convention
This week, the Optimist magazine was received by Optimist Club members around the world. On the back cover was this inspirational picture of what many think of when they imagine a trip to Albuquerque: the Balloon Festival.

We may not get to see the Balloon Festival in full force - it takes place in October - but when the Optimist International Convention opens on July 6-8, 2017, there will be enough hope and optimism to float a million balloons.

In addition to carrying out the business of the organization and being informed for our upcoming year, sharing optimism is what the convention is all about. Optimist Clubs come together once a year to share hope and plan for the future.

Click here to download the agenda.

Click here to make hotel reservations. 

Click here to register online. 

Early bird registration ends on May 1. Please register today to save.

Registration will be accepted online until July 5 and onsite registration will be available at that time.

Keep up to date with the 99th Annual International Convention by visiting http://optimist.org/e/member/convention1.cfm.

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