One week ago, over one hundred Optimist Club members and guests gathered for the PNW District 3rd Quarter Meeting in Kennewick, Washington. While there, Governor Dick Disney provided motivation for them to return to their home clubs and complete the District goal of 100% Honor Clubs.
But other things happened as well. First, we heard from some of the top young public speakers in the West Coast Region. All spoke on the topic "How my optimism will help me press on to 'greater achievements of the future.'"
Seven students participated in the Communications Contest for Deaf and Hard of Hearing. In the oral competition, Katya Nesdoly received the first place award of $2,500 scholarship. In the signing competition, Miguel Peregrino was awarded first place. He also received a $2,500 scholarship.
Seven students also competed in the Optimist Oratorical Contest. The PNW District awarded first place and a $2,500 scholarship to Lochlan Frederick; second place and a $1,500 scholarship to Lamisa Hasan; and third place and a $1,000 scholarship to Saara Meghi.
Steve Skodak, Executive Director, Optimist International made an official visit to the district for the third quarter meeting. It was a perfect tie-in for understanding how our donations to the Optimist International Foundation and Canadian Children's Optimist Foundation provide support to Optimist Clubs by funding scholarships, among other things. Steve also made a presentation "Know your Prospects" and explained an excellent generational approach membership retention and recruitment for our Optimist Clubs to follow.
In district business, Governor-elect Michael Gray notified the assembly that the zone alignments would stay the same in 2015-2016 and lieutenant governors were elected as follows:
Zone 1, British Columbia - Al Kersey
Zone 2, Idaho - Dolores "Doe" Schamp
Zone 3, Oregon - Ben Deremer
Zone 4, Washington - Monique Connors
Reports were given by current lieutenant governors and committee chairs and all were in agreement
that the PNW District is celebrating a fantastic Honor Club year. According to Governor Dick and West Coast Region Vice President Ed Murphy, the PNW District, as of this meeting, is only one member away from being at even for membership growth. It is a perfect setting to begin the final fourth quarter drive to Honor Club.
Governor Dick announced the PNW District - Optimist International Convention will be held August 13-15, 2015 at the La Quinta Inn & Suites, Tacoma, Washington. We are honored to have as the international guests Optimist International President Ken Garner and his spouse Patsy. Registration was approved at $115 by August 6, 2015 and $130 after that date and at the door.
Registration is now open.
Download the "at a glance" program.
Refreshed and energized, Optimist Club members headed home to do more good things in their communities and to earn Honor Club recognition so that they may continue to serve for many years into the future.
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