Written by Fred Wallace, Governor 2013-14
Governor Fred has shared more news with us today. Please read on:
Governor Fred has shared more news with us today. Please read on:
Good day Friends and Fellow Optimists. We have an awesome opportunity coming up on June 14th at the Holiday Inn, Portland Airport. There will be a Leadership Summit, put on by Optimist International. There will be 16 of these Summits put on throughout the country. I believe it is awesome that we are slated to participate. Yours truly has been asked to present some of the modules. This Summit is for everyone, so PLEASE go to the links included below. and pre-register. The cost is only $ 25.00 and includes Lunch. We start promptly @ 8:30 AM and done at 4:30. President Ron has offered a Prize?? to the Governor/District with the most people attending from His/Her District. I sure would like to be the winner, so give me a hand will you?? On top of that you will receive some really great info that will make this year even more fun. International President Ron Huxley as well as Robert Schiller and Danny Schuette and a couple from South Texas and other guests will also be there. Thanks again for all your support this year. Cougar
Register: http://www.optimist.org/reg/PdcReg_Member.cfm?meeting=SUMT-OR614_14
Agenda: http://www.optimist.org/Documents/2014_Summit_Agenda.pdf