Find out about Linda online at http://www.optimist.org/candidates/linda-jackson.cfm. Once there you can see her Optimist experience and watch a candidates video. You can also download an informational flyer here: Linda Jackson, Vice President, West Coast Region - Optimist International and connect with Linda online at https://www.facebook.com/LindaJacksonVP.
Information for voting will be sent via email directly to Optimist Club presidents. They hold the power this year that has previously been in the hands of those who attend the International Convention. However, to be able to vote, clubs must be current in their dues. Furthermore, the club president must have their email on file with Optimist International.
Now is the time to be sure that your club president is registered. Club presidents, please go to www.optimistleaders.org and log in. If you do not know your password, please enter your email address in the recover password prompt. It will be emailed to you. If you receive a message that your email is unknown, please email Optimist International (charlotte.baker@optimist.org) immediately with your club name and number and ask her to update your profile.
In addition to electing the vice president position, Optimist Club members will also vote for International President and International Board of Directors. Find out more about the candidates at http://www.optimist.org/candidates/default.cfm and be ready to make your selection June 2-30, 2014.