The time is drawing near for the completion of your Optimist Club's Essay Contest. Chairperson Karon Yaden recently shared her thoughts via the district bulletin:
Optimist Essay Contest
"How can I help my friends realize their value"
How is your club doing on the Essay Contest? I am sure your contest is well on the way. You have made your contacts, "Application and a copy of the Official Rules" are in the hands of students, you have set the date for essays to arrive to the Essay Chairman, you have the judges selected and they are anxiously waiting to read the essays.
These students are future OPTIMISTS; let's make this a fun experience for them. Show them your club is here for theYOUTH. They need the Club's encouragement and support.
The DATE that is important for you now is February10th28*. Look ahead for all the information and the form that you are to remit with $35.00 to this chairman. PLEASE, PLEASE e-mail me at a YES our club is having a contest or NO our club is not having a contest. I would like to save postage!
What a challenge as Optimists we have to reach the young people and their parents. Do not forget to reach out to the parents and bring them into your club as new members.
Keep up the Optimist work and spirit.
Karon Yaden
PNW District Essay Chairman
Please let Karon know if your club is participating this year.
*Due date was changed by Karon on January 23.