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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Community Project Awards (CPA) Entries due by September 30th

Here's a very important update from Lorraine Coots, PNW District Membership and Member Retention/Activities Chair. 

Ensure your club receives Honor Club status!  Submit your CPA entry to me, Lorraine Coots, this year’s CPA Chair no later than September 30, 2010.  Send entries to PO Box 925, Shelton, WA  98584.  Questions?  Click here to contact me.

The CPA Program is an annual competition that recognizes clubs for their community service, youth and fund-raising activities and is a requirement of the Honor Club Award.  When you submit a CPA story, it provides your club and the clubs in our district a reference book that can be used in the future as a guide for the organization of a similar activity.  It also gives our district the opportunity to recognize clubs for outstanding projects.  Why wouldn’t you submit a CPA story?  It’s one of our F A V O R I T E  THINGS!

All of the needed information to submit your entry can be found at the Optimist International website.  Click here to find the current format requirements (Project Story), rules and the judging sheet. http://www.optimist.org/e/member/programs3.cfm

Tips for a successful CPA entry:
  • Choose one of two categories:  Community Service or Fundraising.  Descriptions of the categories are listed in the rules.
  • Uniqueness and creativity count for 50% of the total score, your step-by-step explanation of the project (so other clubs can run a similar project) account for 45% of the total score.  Compliance with official rules make up the final 5%.
  • Place your entry in a plain 3-ring binder or the official CPA binder, either is fine.
  • Check out successful entries on the website listed above.
  • Have fun putting your entry together.

2007-2008 winning entries can be found at: http://www.optimist.org/Documents/CPA-Winners-2007-2008.pdf.  Our district will select two winning entries to submit to International -- one for Club Service and one for Fundraising Project.  All the entries will be available for view at our First Quarter Meeting in Poulsbo October 22 and 23rdSee you there!

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