Thanks to Becky Holm, Board Member and bulletin editor for the Roseburg Optimist Club, I was able to add another entry to our bulletins section today with the addition of The Rock.
Today the Roseburg Optimist Club is busy celebrating their charter date with a picnic at Becker Winery. Happy Anniversary!
The Roseburg Optimist Club has been rebuilding this year and they are full of optimism and enthusiasm. Please take a look at The Rock and see how they are encouraging members to be involved with programs and even with the Optimist International PGI Program. According to Becki, the PGI Program is an easy way to build professional skills for free or to be exact, for the cost of membership into an Optimist Club.
I am so excited to have Becky Holm, Kelly Janzen, Fran Bounds and others engaged with the District on behalf of the Roseburg Optimist Club. My thanks go out to every member for all you do in your community to bring out the best in children.
We love stories about your Optimist Club. Please tell us one and we'll add it to the website.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
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