The first is the Optimist International Essay Contest. It takes place between September and February. The official topic for 2019-2020 is "Is Optimism the Key to Achieving the Dreams you iMagine?" Download the entry form.
The second is the Optimist International Oratorical World Championships. It takes place between January and May. The official topic for 2019-20 is “Just iMagine a World without Boundaries.” Download the entry form.
Optimist International partnered with St. Louis University to expand the Oratorical Contest in 2016. This year, in the third year of the partnership, we expect it to improve even more! District winners will compete on an international stage where they have the opportunity to win up to $22,500 in scholarship money.
The third opportunity is the Optimist International Communication Contest for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CCDHH). Although not all clubs and districts host this contest, those that do hold it between January and May. The official topic for 2019-20 is “Just iMagine a World without Boundaries.” Download the entry form.
ALL scholarship contests begin at the CLUB LEVEL. The winning club entries for the essay contest must be submitted to the district chairperson by February 28, 2020, for district-level competition. The names of the winning oratorical contestants must be submitted to the district chairperson by February 28, 2020, for regional competition assignments which begin March 7, 2020.
For information about the Essay Contest, please contact District Chair Monique Connors
For information about the Oratorical Contest, please contact District Chair Cathy Cena.
It is our understanding that only the Essay Contest and Oratorical Contest are being hosted at the PNW District level in the 2019-2020 administrative year.
Shown in the photo are Bob Speicher, President, West Tacoma Optimist Club, and Oratorical Contest winners from Covenant High School in 2018.