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Saturday, September 7, 2019

Convention minutes and more

Something that has been missing from PNW District meetings for several years now is the ability to know what is happening in a timely manner. General members, and specifically, the presidents of the Optimist Clubs who are members of the district board of directors, have not received the minutes or the financial information of the district before the meeting. I know this because I have been a club president since 2016.

For the 2018-2019 administrative year, I served the district as its secretary. My role, as requested by the governor, was to take minutes. That was all.

In a post preceding the convention held in August, I published the minutes from the entire year along with the financial report I was given by the treasurer, the district policies, and proposed amendments to the district policies.

I will not be serving as secretary in the 2019-2020 administrative year. This may be my last opportunity to share the minutes with you. What follows are links to the minutes taken at the PNW District - Optimist International Convention, August 16-18, 2019.

Please, readers, do not misinterpret this post as a complaint.  I am publishing this information here and now because this website is a way that I share information that I believe the members of Optimist Clubs in the Pacific Northwest need to know. Thank you for reading, sharing, and caring about the wonderful Optimist Clubs that make up the PNW District - Optimist International. 

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