Honor Club.
The Honor Club award means that an Optimist Club is managing itself in a way that will help it succeed far into the future.
Earning Honor Club helps your Optimist Club create its legacy and ensures that Optimist International can move forward into the second century of service.
Earning Honor Club means hope for the future.
The Honor Club criteria are set forth by the Optimist International Board of Directors in Policy ICD-135. They are:
- Complete three or more service projects each year
- Complete the Club Pride Report and Club Officer-Elect Report
- Recognize a Club member or local community individual
- Grow Club by Net of +3 in membership
- Appoint a Club Foundation Representative and make a non-restricted contribution to the OIF or CCOF
- Conduct a Membership Recruitment/Drive (i.e. NOW) Program
- Club President or Club President-Elect (or two Designees) attend District Convention (or two other District meetings/conferences)
- Be current on District and OI Dues and Fees
Optimist Clubs that demonstrate a further commitment to growth are called Distinguished Optimist Clubs.
Earning Distinguished Optimist Club helps Optimist International create its legacy.
The Distinguished Club criteria are set forth by the Optimist International Board of Directors in Policy ICD-135. In addition to earning an Honor Club recognition, they must also:
- Meet Honor Club requirements
- Add Net + 15 in membership OR Build one or more new Clubs OR Increase by Net + 8 and build two or more JOOI Clubs
With 30 days remaining in the Optimist International administrative year, it's time to focus on making the first century of optimism the best it can be. Won't you finish the year strong and start the celebration of 100 years of Optimism as an Honor or Distinguished Optimist Club?