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Ben also explained that he had discovered there are portions of British Columbia that are not included in any existing district boundary. He achieved approval to petition the Optimist International Board of Directors to include these areas in the PNW District. He further explained that Utah, with only one Optimist Club in Salt Lake City, would benefit from outreach from surrounding Optimist Clubs. Tentative approval was given to reach out Optimist International and the Pacific Central District to include this area in the PNW District pending concurrence from the easternmost clubs of Twin Falls and Jerome.
But before any of that administrative stuff could happen, we heard from some of the best and brightest students in the Pacific Northwest during the PNW District-Optimist International Oratorical Contest finals. The topic was "Where are my roots of Optimism" and the winners were:
- 1st place and $2,500 scholarship - Asha Mior, Vancouver, BC Optimist Club
- 2nd place and $1,500 scholarship - Richard Chen, Coquitlam, BC Optimist Club
- 3rd place and $1,000 scholarship - Madison Stephens, West Tacoma Optimist Club
Asha will now move forward to the Optimist International World Championships being held in St. Louis and online, June 28-29, 2018.
Congratulations to the winners, and thank you to all participants. You were remarkable!
We also send a big thank-you to Governor Bruce and Judy Gilbertson and Secretary-Treasurer Mary White for the planning and execution of a successful event.
Our next gathering will be the PNW District Convention, August 10-11-12, 2018, Lebanon, Oregon. The Lebanon Optimist Club is looking forward to hosting a big group - save the date and make your plans now!