Do the clothes make the man or does the man make the clothes?
Pacific Northwest District Governor-elect Ben DeRemer was in the holiday spirit with reindeer, poinsettias and snowflakes adorning his suit at the Gresham Optimist Club Holiday party.
What a great time to bring out the fine Christmas accessories!
The Optimist Club came together for its annual celebration and each member brought clothing to donate to a local homeless shelter. You see, in an Optimist Club, the gift of sharing goes on at all times.
However, we're told, that Ben has kept his suit to wear on another occasion.
Merry Christmas from the Gresham Optimist Club.
Please tell us what your Optimist Club is doing this holiday season by sending a note and photo here. Thank you.
We love stories about your Optimist Club. Please tell us one and we'll add it to the website.
Thursday, December 21, 2017
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