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Saturday, December 30, 2017

Does your Optimist Club have a Centennial story to share?

He is an appellate judge by day, an Optimist Volunteer at all times, and now he's adding editor and
author to his list of accomplishments. Of whom am I speaking? None other than Past International President Dave Bruns.

Dave wrote on his Facebook timeline that we can help him spread the word. He has agreed to write a historical book for the Optimist International Centennial celebration and he needs your help.

Here's his post:
Fellow Optimists, Former Optimists, and Family Members of Optimists: 
pnwdoptimist pnw optimist clubsIt was a hot and humid day in June of 1919 when delegates from 11 Optimist Clubs gathered in Louisville, Kentucky to officially organize the International Optimist Club—known today as Optimist International. 
As we look forward to the celebration of our 100th Anniversary as an organization, Optimists around the world are making plans for a Centennial Celebration to be kicked off at our 100th International Convention to be held in Ottawa, Ontario from July 8-10, 2018, and to culminate at our 100th Anniversary Celebration to be held in Louisville from July 1 to 3, 2019.

I have agreed to volunteer my time to write a special Centennial Book in honor of our 100 years of Optimism and I would sincerely appreciate your help in gathering information—Right Here, Right Now!!! Although I am using original documents, newspaper articles, the Of Dreams and Deeds book written in 1966, the 75 Years of Optimism in Canada booklet, and similar sources, I would sincerely appreciate receiving additional information from our members, former members, and families of members that would be of general interest to those who read the book. 
Information and supporting material (such as photos or news articles) can be sent to:
Suggestions regarding the type of information that may be of interest to readers include:
-Info regarding the original Optimist Club(s) in your District;
-Notable Optimists from your Club or District.
-Famous participants in Optimist programs.
-Significant milestones in your Club or District.
-Biographical info on Past International Presidents, International Vice Presidents, International Board Members, Top Governors, etc.
-Interesting stories regarding youth programs and community service.
-Info re JOI and our Signature Programs.
-Info regarding the Opti-Mrs. 
Thank you all for your assistance and Happy New Year!!! 
Dave Bruns
Please share this request with other members of your Optimist Club and help us kick off the new year with remembrances of the organization, its people, projects and impact. Let the centennial celebration begin!

As always, we would love to hear your stories and to share them with others who read about Optimist Clubs in the Pacific Northwest. Please include us by sending a photo and note. Thank you!

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