He's been missing his duties of late, and he would be the first to admit he's been missing the club meetings as well; but in a very sincere, yet playful way, he has just reminded past members that they are missed and welcome to return to the meetings.
In the December 19, 2017 edition of the Boise Noon Optimists Nooner, Walt wrote:

Hello good people. My name is Walt Callahan.
I was chosen to be the BNOC bulletin editor a number of years ago. Circumstances have changed for me and I've been away for a while. I'm going to do my best to change that.
I went to last Tuesday's meeting at Casa Mexico, and I realized that there are still some wonderful people in the club.
They are still holding things together for us. I admire them.
I hope I'm not out of place here, but this old man is asking some who have been away for a while to give us a try again, whatever your feelings, I'd love to see you walk in the door.

Optimist Clubs are always seeking to add new members. Of course, the successful Optimist Clubs are also working hard to retain the members that are currently on the roster. A smart club might look to reactivating some of its former members, just as Walt has done for the Boise Noon Optimist Club.
We send good luck and best wishes to the Boise Noon Optimist Club for a successful membership drive. We also encourage every Optimist Club to hold a membership recruitment and retention activity NOW. Don't wait until September rolls around to recharge and revitalize your club and its projects with new members, new enthusiasm, and new ideas. And don't be afraid to extend a warm welcome to those former members who may have the time to participate today that they didn't have years ago. Just ask!
If you have a story to share about a project that your Optimist Club is doing or has done, please send us a note and a photo so that we may share it with others. Thank you.