This is the time of year that Districts in Optimist International begin looking for new leaders. That's
not to say that they aren't always looking; it is only an acknowledgement that during the District Conventions held in August and September of each year, the search gets serious because the governors-elect are chosen at this time.
It is a sad but true statement that membership in Optimist Clubs is declining. That means the leadership pool is also smaller and often it comes down to individuals who have hung on the longest are finally being given an opportunity to lead.
Let me repeat: those who wouldn't have been considered when there was competition are rising to positions for which they are neither prepared or qualified. And we wonder why membership in our Optimist Clubs is declining?
This post is a call to all past and potential leaders. We must not be apathetic or resigned to the path of least resistance. We must not be complacent, resting on past achievements.
We must be proactive.
Successful past governors must step forward to lead again, bringing with them the knowledge and experience that is needed to help the organization and our Optimist Clubs grow. Optimist volunteers may be our greatest asset; however, skilled leadership, focused on growth, is the skill that will take the organization forward long after its 100th anniversary.
We love stories about your Optimist Club. Please tell us one and we'll add it to the website.
Saturday, July 22, 2017
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