Governor Rick Matkin wants to ensure that every district meeting meets the needs of the attendees. He also hopes to encourage more people to participate. With that in mind, he surveyed the participants at the first quarter meeting. Here's the report that he completed to review the results:
First Quarter Feedback Results
In an effort to provide to you a conference capable of meeting your needs, your Governor circulated a feedback form at the close of the first quarter conference in Kennewick, Washington. The form was completed by approximately 48% of those in attendance making it well above threshold for validity of the results. Generally any survey of this type will receive between 20% and 30% of the applicable participants.
The survey used common methods to gather the feedback and was generally received and returned without grumbling. The survey was divided into six sections for scoring purposes.
The first section was very basic and scored on a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being poor and 5 being very good. The venue for the conference received an overall rating of 4.6. The price of the conference was rated at a 4.6. The menu received a score of 4.5. The appropriateness or helpfulness of the training received a 4.9.
The second section was used to get a feel if the participant felt the time they gave up for the conference was used wisely. Good use of time is essential to a well-run conference. The results for use of time indicated 92% of the participants believed the time was used wisely. The remaining 8% indicated the organizers tried to put just a little too much into the segments.
The third section was to evaluate the training and trainers. The scale there was 1 to 5 with 1 being not helpful and 5 being very useful. The cumulative training score was 4.87 just almost 4.9. The trainers were evaluated for the presentation and content of their material with Lynn Viner’s presentation of “Leadership, Rungs of the Ladder”, receiving 92% of all responses were in the top rating of the table. Rick Matkin’s presentation of “Talking with Purpose” received 90% of all responses were in the top rating of the table. Material presented was viewed as helpful and the presenters viewed as knowledgeable on their subject matter.
Section four featured comments on what the participants liked best about the conference. While there were many responses, those responses were lumped into general categories. The category receiving the most positive responses was training with 38% or all participants listing it as their first comment. Additional responses were 24% of all respondents listed “Leadership, Rungs of the Ladder”, specifically as their first comment. The presence of a positive atmosphere was listed as the first comment on 14% of all surveys.
In section five, the survey sought what was the least liked part of the conference. Those comments were far fewer and featured no one category receiving more than one response. Those responses included; cold room, the chairs, too few people, the weather, and everyone’s favorite, not enough time for a nap.
Section six asked the respondents to provide advice for upcoming conferences for this year. The feedback was placed into seven categories with 28% of the participants asking for more of the same type of training. The other response receiving more than one response was a request for specific training such as officer-elect training, new club building and the return of roundtables. That category was listed by 12% of the respondents. Other noted responses were a request for a longer time span, more feedback by district chairpersons, and additional entertainment like we had at the banquet.
Every survey submitted was reviewed with care. Notes were taken to ensure no one’s comment didn’t receive the same weight as every other comment. You can be assured the Governor and the conference organizers will keep these results in mind throughout the remainder of the year and try very hard to make each and every conference meaningful and helpful to you as an Optimist of the Pacific Northwest District.
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Thursday, October 27, 2016
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