The Governor of each District does the same. He or she delivers a message that will unite the District in service. Governor Rick Matkin has explained his motto "Live the Creed."
While these slogans help motivate our clubs and members, they don't provide the goal. International President Jim has made the goal very simple: 100% Honor Clubs. In fact, he's declared 2016-2017 to be the year of the Honor Club. Watch his first video to learn more.
In order to prepare for success in the 2016-2017 Optimist year, following are the steps to Honor Club.
Please note - there are new requirements and these requirements will be in place for at least five years as determined by the Optimist International Board of Directors.
Honor Club
- Complete three or more service projects each year
- Complete the President’s Pride Report and Club Officer-Elect Form
- Recognize a Club member or local community individual
- Grow Club by Net of +3 in membership
- Appoint a Club Foundation Representative and make a non-restricted contribution to the OIF or CCOF
- Conduct a Membership Recruitment/Drive (i.(e) NOW) Program
- Club President or Club President-Elect (or two Designees) attend District Convention (or two other District meetings/conferences)
- Be current on District and OI Dues and Fees
Distinguished Club
- Meet Honor Club Criteria plus one of the following:
- Add Net + 15 in membership OR Build one or more new Clubs OR Increase by Net + 8 and build two or more JOOI Clubs
Start now and you'll find it is not that hard to make your Optimist Club an Honor Club.