Dear fellow Optimist,
As Thanksgiving Day approaches, a day to celebrate our thanks for all the things Optimism has given us, we are again reminded how special this day is and to honor the important people in our lives. On this day, we show our love and gratefulness to the Optimist Foundation in many ways. With all the support we provide to children as members of Optimist Clubs and as Friends of Youth, we are constantly reminded of the bond between ourselves and youth.
To all the Members who make our world a better place, I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving Day, and God’s blessing in abundance.
To honor your Family or special person in your life, please consider making a donation(s) to the Optimist International Foundation (OIF) so we can continue to support all of the scholarships and other youth programs that are supported by your generous donations.
There are so many of you who do so very much with your Optimist Clubs but have never made a contribution to the OIF. If you can afford something as small as $5.00 (or more), please consider doing so this Thanksgiving Day. You really can make a difference with a small donation. I think every Youth would see this type of gift not only unique but VERY special as well.
Being a full-time volunteer is one of the highest salaried jobs... since the payment is pure love. ~Mildred B. Vermont
Click here > Make your contribution today! < Click here
As always, THANK YOU for your thoughtfulness and kindness.
Fred A. Wallace
PNW District OIF Representative