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Sunday, November 23, 2014
100 x 100
The Optimist International Board of Directors has set a goal to reach 100,000 members by the 100th anniversary of the organization in 2019. As of today, November 22, 2014, the organization sets at approximately 71,000 members. Do you think the goal is realistic?
I do. I believe this is an achievable goal. Think of this, if every Optimist Club member would recruit one new member this year, guess what? We'd not only meet, but we would exceed our goal this year.
Of course there are always deletions that come with natural attrition, so the international leaders hope that you will do just a bit more. A member-get-a-member campaign only works if the action is repeated, year after year, after year.
What do you say PNW District Optimist Clubs? Will you do your part to help us meet and exceed the 100 by 100 goal? Say yes with action; add a new member to your Optimist Club today.
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