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Sunday, September 28, 2014

The beginning is near

join an optimist club
With only two days remaining in the Optimist International administrative year, it's time for our current officers to complete the paperwork necessary to tell Optimist International that they deserve Honor or Distinguished Optimist Club recognition.

Every year, I remind our clubs that earning the recognition is not about you personally. Yes, the Optimist Club president will receive a banner patch with his or her name sewn on it and it will be placed on your club's banner for all to see. But do you know what someone sees when they see that patch?

They see that this Optimist Club has pride. They see that this Optimist Club has a record of achievement. They see that this Optimist Club is a leader in Optimist International and therefore, it must be a leader in the community. They see hope for the future in the form of an Optimist Club.

The end of the Optimist International administrative year is also the beginning. There is no better day than today to ask someone to join your Optimist Club. Remind them that their community is calling. All they need to do is answer the call to friendship and service by joining an Optimist Club.

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